One of the key ideas of this series called MOVING FORWARD is that the Church is alive, and God is on the move! Last Sunday we focused on the concrete principle that God has placed us here, in this place, at this time, to be servants – just like Jesus. Thank you for your encouraging responses and eager willingness to become a spiritual contributor and not just a spiritual consumer. You bless my soul.
Toward the end of my message on Sunday, I asked us a series of imagining questions. Just to remind you, here they are: Can you imagine the impact we could have if we were known as the church that serves? Can you imagine the impact we could have if our church got this? If we made it our goal to live with a towel and basin mentality? Friends, when we engage together and serve others, we can help our church be a place where people can come find hope. We can make it our goal that there will always be a space, a place, a room, a smile, or a touch for those who come to Twin Cities. We can make sure there is always a place for others to be able to get what we’ve received over time. We want to serve as we’ve been served. Imagine how your neighbors and friends would react to that.
I believe we are known in our community for being servants in a huge way. Here’s an example of how we are viewed by our community. This note was written by a woman from our Nevada County District Attorney’s office.
Dear Twin Cities service crew, I want to thank you for once again demonstrating to our community what it means to “be the church.” I work as a victim advocate in the Witness Assistance Center. Recently, your crew of servants agreed to come to the rescue of a victim whose age and lack of resources left her needing some physical labor type assistance. She was unable to find help when your team graciously stepped in to meet her need. Thank you so very much. Please accept my sincerest gratitude on behalf of this client.
I love how she expressed her gratitude by saying “once again.” This is what we’re known for in our community. As Followers of Jesus, we are loved by Him, forgiven by Him, and called by Him to humbly serve His purpose in our church, community, and world. Can you imagine this? Our message of hope would be irresistible to people. And maybe our friends and neighbors, family, coworkers, and classmates would finally come to know our humble servant King Jesus through the loving self-denying actions we display.
I also received this note from one of our servant team members who recently helped with a project here in our community. He said, “Last week a group of us went over to Interfaith Food Ministry and served by helping with some building and landscaping repairs. I'm proud of TCC's continuing involvement in our community.”
As we move closer to our 30th birthday and anniversary, it’s vital to our future that we live out these principles we’re talking about in this series. We are people who SHARE LIFE, STRENGTHEN FAITH, SERVE OTHERS, and SPREAD HOPE. If you missed last Sunday, please watch the entire service soon. God moved in an amazing way through our music, teaching, giving, praying, and Communion. Please make sure to engage all the way to the final song as our team led us into God’s presence as we focused on our wonderful Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ, and what He has made possible for us. We don’t serve to get love, but we serve because we are loved. My prayer is that you know how much God loves you! We have places where can all serve and develop our gifts.
Please take a moment to look at the many opportunities we have for you to join a team and make a difference.
CANCER TREATMENT UPDATE. Thank you for praying for me as I had another procedure over at UCSF this week. I had reached the point where I couldn’t swallow anything except liquids, and that with difficulty. It was painful and discouraging. They told me they would do a “stretching” procedure or put another stent in to try to widen my esophagus. When the surgeon put the endoscopic probe down my esophagus, he saw that it was almost completely closed. He told Kim that the opening was only as wide as a pencil lead. Wow! He ended up doing a stretch to open it AND put in a stent as well. I will have the stent for the next six weeks, and while it’s there, I’m on a soft food/liquid diet. Let me update you as well about my immunotherapy. I will have my fourth infusion next Tuesday. I am happy to say that now that the COVID side-effects are past, I don’t notice a lot of side-effects from the immunotherapy. Mainly, it’s just fatigue. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family. While you’re at it, we have several people in our church who have cancer. Please pray for them as well. I love you.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE, STRENGTHEN FAITH, SERVE OTHERS, and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
GROW UNIVERSITY begins on Monday, February 28. Go to our website and look at the specialized offerings designed to help you grow in your faith as you live for God’s purposes in our world. You can take Financial Peace University, Marriage Works, Life After Death, and GriefShare.
Our next BAPTISM will be on March 6. That’s our 30th birthday! What a great time to go public for Jesus as you take this step of identification and intimacy with Him. If you’ve never been baptized after you said “YES” to Jesus, please pray about this opportunity for you. You can attend our baptism class this Sunday at 9:00am and find out more. Check it out and register on our website.
GROWTH PATH is Sunday, February 27. Growth Path is a great time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. So, I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best. I was sad that Growth Path 101 was cancelled last time because of my cancer treatments, but I’m better now and eager to talk about God’s call on our church and how you can belong and participate in a meaningful way.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. We have two part-time jobs open right now for the right person who not only wants to work but wants that work to make a difference in the lives of others. Here is the link to see the current job openings. If you’re interested in any of these positions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the person listed. We look forward to having you join our team of motivated servant leaders.
THIS SUNDAY, we get to continue our Vision series called MOVING FORWARD. We’ll focus on what it’s like to follow Jesus and SPREAD HOPE together. When we commit to BE with Jesus, we BECOME Like Jesus and LIVE like Jesus. It’s all about being on a journey with Him. This is the way God made things to work. So, see you Sunday as we gather to worship and be inspired by Him.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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