We all want hope. We all need hope. Hope, as defined by the Bible, is “confident expectation that something is true or that someone is trustworthy.” Hope is more than just wishful thinking or desire for a good result or outcome. It’s a solid confidence and trust. Where do you find that kind of hope? It’s found in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to show us who God is and how we can relate to Him.
Here’s a promise you can count on: Hope is found in person. His name is Jesus. Lasting hope can only be found in Him. At Twin Cities Church, we want you to know Jesus. We take the complex and make it understandable. We’re building a place where it’s safe for people to explore faith and develop trust in God. When we do that, we can know hope which leads to joy and peace.
We invite you to come as you are – we can’t wait to welcome you.
To make a long story short...
Twin Cities Church began in 1991 as a dream six families shared to reach their Western Nevada County friends and neighbors for Jesus. It’s hard not to smile as we think of all the adventures we have had from then until now – God has been so good! We invite you to take a trip down memory lane with us…