At Twin Cities, we are real and open about our faults, failures and brokenness. We look to God as our source of hope, confidence, peace and transformation.
Matthew 23:27-28 Ephesians 2:7-8 Mark 2:17 Romans 3:23 1 Timothy 1:15
We are relational as we seek to build a community where we can belong. Our walk with Jesus transforms us, and we influence others through the relationship we build with Him. We believe every person needs a place where they can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, celebrate and be celebrated.
We are relevant in our messages, methods and music as we aim to bridge the gap between Biblical truth and our culture. We seek to help people understand the Bible and apply it to everyday life.
We are relentless in our pursuit of Jesus and the life He promises to those who follow Him. We’re
strategic in leveraging our resources to help as many people as possible know and experience the love and grace of Jesus through words and acts of compassion.