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Crisis & Immediate


There are seasons of life when we all need extra support. Care Team Chaplains provide comfort during times of crisis. Trained chaplains are available to visit the home, hospital, or assisted living facility for those who are experiencing a tragedy, serious illness, or death of a loved one. 

For more info, email
Natalie or call 530.273.6425 ext. 205. 

If you need to reach a chaplain right away, call or text 530.575.5028.

Nevada County

Local Resources

If you have an immediate need, please check out the following resources available in our area:

For Information & Assistance in Nevada County, check out or call 211.

Anew Day / 530.470.9111

Provides crisis counseling and low-cost counseling for individuals; and reduced-fee counseling for couples, families, adolescents and children. 

Salvation Army / 530.274.3500

Help with clothing or energy assistance.

HEAP / 530.265.1388

Help with a utility bill.

Hospitality House Homeless Shelter / 530.271.7144

Provides lodging for the homeless certain times of the year.

Interfaith Food Ministry / 530.273.8132

Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am to 1:00pm to provide folks with groceries.

LivingWell Medical Clinic / 530.272.6800

Help for women of all ages and backgrounds to confront their pregnancies with an abundance of knowledge and support.

Food Bank of Nevada County / 530.272.3796

Provides groceries for families in need.



If you have a prayer request, we would be honored to partner with you by praying for you! Here are a few prayer options:

Email our Prayer Team 

Email and your prayer request will be sent to our Prayer Team. We love to support people with prayer, and handle all prayer requests with respect and confidentiality.

Voicemail the Prayer Team

Leave a voicemail with your prayer request by calling 530.273.6425 ext. 340. Our Prayer Team will pray for all requests left in this mailbox.

Sunday Morning Connection Card

You can leave your prayer request on the back of your Connection Card at a Sunday morning service. All prayer requests are given to our Prayer Team.

Sunday Morning Prayer Table

If you want to pray with someone in person, visit our Prayer table on Sunday morning. There you will meet compassionate folks who would love to pray with you!


Recovery Meetings

Faith-Fueled Recovery Grass Valley

  • Saturdays @ 6:30pm 
    1866 Ridge Rd, Grass Valley

Faith-Fueled Recovery Auburn

  • Fridays @ 6:30pm
    1279 High St, Auburn

Celebrate Recovery

  • Tuesdays @ 6:30pm
    3126 Olympic Way, Auburn

Freedom Recovery

  • Thursdays @ 6:30pm
    4065 Grass Valley Hwy, #206, Auburn

Ready Now Recovery

  • Thursdays @ 6:30pm
    13010 State Hwy 49, Grass Valley

Project Heart Men's Groups

  • Wednesdays @ 6:00pm
    1101 Auburn Ravine Rd, Auburn

  • Thursdays @ 5:00pm
    440 Henderson St, Grass Valley

Project Heart Women's Groups (w/childcare):

  • Mondays @ 6:00pm
    1101 Auburn Ravine Rd, Auburn

  • Mondays @ 6:00pm
    11481 Colfax Hwy, Grass Valley
conflict resolution

Our Conflict Resolution Team is here to help when conflict erupts and a solution seems out of reach.

"Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone." Romans 12:18 NLT


  • Conflict can happen to anyone
  • Conflict can be resolved
  • Conflict can be a catalyst


  • Build a culture of Biblical peacemaking
  • Create an atmosphere of hope and love
  • Teach preventative skills and guidelines
  • Offer help and perspective


  • How conflict occurs
  • How to recognize the causes of conflict
  • How to change our natural responses
  • How to seek and give forgiveness
  • How to make restitution and reconciliation
  • How to know God’s view of unity over conflict

“How wonderful and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in harmony."  Psalm 133:1 NLT

For more info, contact Diane Helms at 530.913.8598.



In need of counseling? Here is a list of Christian counselors in our area:

Todd Arvidson, LMFT / 530.402.8914

Phil Bluemel, LMFT / 916.787.0555

Jennie Haws-McAlister, Phy. D. / 530.265.3487

Jennifer Hoffman, LMFT / 530.575.6501

Debbie Keeney, LMFT / 510.924.0176

Kendra Riley, LMFT / 530.648.0435
Liz Smith, LMFT / 530.559.3357

Sabrina Speroni, LMFT / 530.913.8545

John Stewart, LMFT / 530.272.7448

Jeff Stone, Ph. D. / 916.787.0555

Brooke Stone, LMFT / 530.559.1500

Keith Thompson, LMFT / 530.913.0526

Susan Wright, LMFT / 916.207.4873

Anew Day / 530.470.9111 (Low-cost, supervised associates and lay counselors)

Looking for marriage help? Contact our Conflict Resolution Team! Diane Helms / 530.913.8598. Local Christian Therapists who work with couples include: Keith Thompson, LMFT / 530.913.0526 and Susan Wright, LMFT / 916.207.4873



Mom's Grief Support Group

Have you lost a child?

Please join our unique study for mothers who are grieving the loss of their child. Our mission is to help you understand your loss and realize that joy, peace and laughter can return to your life. This group is non-denominational featuring biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics.

It may be hard to feel optimistic about the future right now. We have found that gathering with others who have gone through the same loss whether by accidents, disease or suicide, offers comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. Everyone who attends this group is a mother who has lost a child. We sincerely hope and pray that you would take the initial step to contact us. All discussion is confidential. 

We meet every Monday afternoon from 4:00-5:30pm @ Twin Cities Church, Room 140

For more info contact Elsie at 530.575.0552 or Rhonda at 530.559.9026


GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through mourning the death of a loved one - whether it's recent and fresh or it happened a year ago. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. In this 13-week class you will gain access to valuable resources to help you recover and look forward to rebuilding your life. Email Brynda Privitt or call 530.913.3881.

Safe Refuge

We really care about families, and Safe Refuge helps our church to extend care and compassion to families that are going through difficult times.

What If...

  • We could stop child abuse before it starts?
  • It wasn't a shameful experience for at-risk families to ask for help?
  • Single moms were connected to support instead of socially isolated?
  • You didn't have to "qualify" to be cared for?
  • Local government, non-profits and churches worked together to help families in crisis?

Safe Refuge for Children is the answer...

  • Over 7,000 children have been hosted by Safe Refuge for Children.
  • Millions of dollars can be saved when volunteers connect to families in crisis and children are eventually returned to their biological family.
  • Safe Refuge for Children keeps families together, and research shows that children who grow up in biological families are more likely to earn a high school diploma and college degree, be employed, have health insurance and avoid incarceration.

For more info, email John or call 530.273.6425 ext. 401.


Meals Team

The Meals Team provides meals for families suffering from illness, loss, recovering from surgery, or experiencing a tragedy. For more information email Natalie or call 530.273.6425 ext. 205.

Need a ride to church on Sunday? Nevada County Now (formerly Gold Country Lift) is the answer!

Here are the details:

  • Sunday transportation is available from 8:00am - 2:30pm
  • The requested contribution is $4 each way
  • You can schedule your ride by calling 271-RIDE (271-7433) Mon - Sat 8:00am - 5:00pm
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