We’re in our summer series called Rooted: Grow Deep, Build Up. It’s an inspirational look at the New Testament book of Colossians which was written by the Apostle Paul around 60 A.D. Paul was writing to help his readers (and that includes us) to stand firm on the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ.
He wants us to get a glimpse of the glory and grandeur of Jesus. We often minimize who Jesus is in the face of all the competing messages in our culture concerning how to know God or how to have the good life.
The letter to the Colossians was written to a young church learning how to follow Jesus in a pluralistic society. These young Followers of Jesus were facing pressure from both outside and inside the church to conform their beliefs to those of their neighbors and make the Gospel message of Jesus more culturally palatable. The exact nature of the controversy in Colossae is never explicitly described, but it can be inferred from analysis of Paul’s refutation that it was religious syncretism – the attempted fusion of different (often contradictory) religious beliefs. The Colossian syncretism was diverse, blending elements of local folk belief, traditional Judaism and early Gnostic mysticism including, ceremonialism, asceticism, and angel worship among other things.
The key to this series is to realize that the life you long for is possible when you are deeply rooted in Jesus. There is a phrase that helps us understand just what Paul wants us to lean into. Here is the formula: Jesus + Nothing = Everything. The crux of that equation is the truth that Jesus is enough. You don’t need to add anything to the Gospel message of Jesus. He is enough for you and me. He is enough for the problems, difficulties, questions, doubts, dreams, sickness, and confusion we face. He’s also enough for the peace and purpose we all long to have.
Each week in this series we’re looking at the keys to being rooted in Jesus. On the night before He was crucified, He said, “Abide in Me.” Abiding in Jesus means to be connected to, to be in relationship with, to gain sustenance from, to be inspired by, and to stand strong upon. It’s a great place to be! Will you join us as we walk through this series and learn to abide in Jesus (to be rooted in Him) together?
You can attend every gathering in person, live stream online, or watch on demand. Please navigate through our website to find the schedule of messages and service. If you want to stream a service live or watch an archived message or service, you can find the links you need there. We welcome you to join us soon.
THIS SUNDAY Pastor John Fairchild, continues our Rooted series by taking a look at Colossians 3:1-11 from the perspective of how to be Deeply Rooted in Focus.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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