What a year this has been! It seems like so long ago that our calendars changed to 2020. I can’t recall all of the occasions in this year that I’ve heard people lament and long for it to end. As if the calendar has power over the circumstances we face. Instead, we can use these moments in ways that will move us forward to become the kind of people who handle difficulties with more grace, peace, and contentment.
I’m leaning into that way of thinking as we wrap up this year. How can I be better equipped and trained to be the kind of person who represents Jesus well? I know that it begins with the direction of my heart. Did you know that you will always end up where your heart leads? As we learned in our Uncommon Sense series, our hearts are the wellsprings of our lives. When you add that to Jesus’ words that it is out of the heart that life flows, then it is in my best interest to give considerable time to focus on my heart’s condition.
The 30-Day Gratitude Experiment that we began on Thanksgiving day ends on Christmas day. I found this practice to be so uplifting and mood changing that I believe I will keep it up. Would you let me know if you participated and engaged in the 30-Day Gratitude Experiment by replying to this email and telling me in a few words how this practice impacted you?
Did you know that some experts believe it takes 21 days to form a new habit? So, if you’ve engaged in practicing gratitude for the past 30 days, you may have just instilled a habit that is good for you. What if your resolution for the new year was to work to be more grateful every day of 2021? If you would do so, then I believe you would find yourself increasingly filled with the joy we so long to know.
It's still Year-End Gift season. When we give to our church, we get to see our gifts at work to help the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless right here in our community and around the world. But more than that, we know that every gift we give goes to support and provide guidance to people who need to experience God’s love and compassion. What we do has eternal significance. If you want to know more about our Year-End Giving emphasis and how you can give, you can read about it on our website.
We wrap up our Advent series this Sunday by looking at Matthew 28:16-20. Wait a minute, you say, “What happened to the Christmas story?” Well, what we’re going to do is look at one of the messiest of times in the life of Jesus’ disciples. It’s that time when Jesus, the one they were giving their lives to follow, ended up being crucified on a cross, put into a grave, and then miraculously raised from the dead. It was pretty messy, and out of that moment, Jesus told His ragtag group of followers that they were to continue His mission on Earth. Then He promised to be with them – and us – forever. Wherever we would go and whatever we would do, He would be our constant presence and companion. I hope you’ll join us on Sunday for this robust ending to our series on A Messy Christmas.
During this time when we can’t meet in person, please make sure to stay engaged online. Let me encourage you to keep your Sunday rhythms by watching the service live at either 9:00 or 11:00am. I believe that will help you stay disciplined as we walk this road of COVID restrictions together and will help our church family feel your nearness and encouragement as we continue to “gather” in His name.
If you like, you can watch the current service or any archived service on demand any time you want right from our website or APP. Here’s an idea: When you’re watching online, please invite your friends to join you. If you haven’t downloaded the TCC APP, just go to the APP store and search for TCC GRASS VALLEY and download it today. You can watch the service right from your device.
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,