Children's Ministry
So much fun to be had! You don't want to miss this!
Saturday, April 19, 2025
Come anytime during the event hours and go at your own pace! No mad dash! We’ll continuously put out more eggs to be hunted as long as they last!
Twin Cities Church
11726 Rough & Ready Hwy
Grass Valley, CA 95945
This is fun for the whole family you WON'T want to miss! The egg hunt is done at your family's leisure - no mad dash - during the event hours and as long as the eggs and candy last. Upon arrival, there will be several activities to chose from and can be done in any order. The
FREE pancake breakfast starts at 9am. There will be special areas for children two years and younger, as well as age/grade specific hunt areas for the rest of the kiddos. We will also have a special area set up for kiddos with disabilities.
More Info:
Lori at 530.273.6425 ext. 702