We will wrap our God With Us series on Sunday with a time to get energized and spiritually ready for 2023. You may be feeling beat up after the past year or two, and the good news is that God not only has spiritual resources to supply, but He also has designed ways for us to be physically and emotionally energized as well. This will be a great time to be refreshed and positioned for renewal each day of 2023.
We will also hand out Bible Reading Plans for those who want to begin the new year by engaging with the Bible. Friends, God has so much in His Word if we just dig into it. I know for me it’s been such an anchor in my life. I look forward to how God will work in our lives as a church family.
SCAM ALERT. If you receive a text or email from Ron Thompson or Pastor Ron asking for help, please delete it. He will never ask for help in this fashion. It’s a scam. Please be careful out there folks.
I am very grateful for the teams who made our Christmas Eve gathering so meaningful. I love our church so much. Thanks to all who served and invited friends. One person wrote to me that this was the best Christmas Eve service EVER for him. I look forward to how God is going to use this to woo people to Himself. GOD came to be WITH US.
You can attend every gathering in person, live stream online, or watch on demand. Please navigate through our website to find the schedule of messages and service. If you want to stream a service live or watch an archived message or service, you can find the links you need there. We welcome you to join us soon.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living life on mission with Jesus and others,
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