This summer at Twin Cities we are going to talk about how to stand firm and have hope in times of despair and hopelessness. Our Dare to Hope series will take us on a verse-by-verse journey through the New Testament book of 1 Peter. He wrote to people who were exiles and outcasts because of their faith in Jesus. His purpose was to embolden them to stand strong in the face of adversity and opposition and to live as people of enduring hope. Grab your Bible, join us for this series, and learn how to be a hope-filled counter-cultural.
Counter-cultural living starts with trusting the Good News of who Jesus is and who He says we are. It’s all about identity. We talked about identity last week as we focused on Living at the Margins in the kickoff to the series. Rather than blending in and accepting the values of the culture around us, God calls us to live differently by trusting and obeying Him. He calls us to stand against the flow of culture. When we do, we will experience ridicule, marginalization, and maybe even suffering and persecution. At the same time, we have the promise that even though things may be difficult, we can also experience joy, purpose, and hope.
On Sunday, we’ll continue the series by looking at 1 Peter 1:3-12. The message is Holding on to Hope. We’re going to dig into the security we have in a world that seems to be set against the truth of the Gospel as we walk through the hope and security we have through Jesus and His resurrection.
Summer is a great time for spiritual growth and development for kids and students. Click here and look at the awesome opportunities we’re providing this summer. Our kids are being influenced by culture in more ways than ever before. Camps are a fun and exciting way we can come alongside you in training your kids up to know God and love Jesus.
VBS Day Camp begins June 13. Have you registered your kids or grandkids yet? Consider inviting your kids’ friends. Camp registration fee is reduced for those who don’t yet attend Twin Cities.
Parents, you’ll want to notice and plan for “Move Up” Sunday this Sunday, June 11. This is the day kids and students move up to the next grade or age level.
I love you and can’t wait to see what God does in our church and for our community this summer.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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