A man I had not met before stopped me after the service on Sunday and said, “I had never realized that meekness is a trust issue.” I told him that I hadn’t either until I dug into Psalm 37 which Jesus quoted when He said, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” When we dig into Psalm 37, we realize that it’s all about the tension between things going our way because God worked them out or making things go our way because we applied pressure or engaged in a strongarm approach.
The quote from Sunday’s message that our tech team picked to use for our social media post was this: “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to God, not me.” This flies directly in the face of our cultural maxim that says that “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.” When we see life as always needing our input or energy or strategy or effort before it works our way, then we will tend to see all of life as a problem to exert my pressure and get my way.
In fact, God calls us to a different way. That’s why these Beautiful Attitudes we are covering in this series are so impactful. They take us by surprise as they dig below the surface of what we believe they say and cause us to stop and reflect in a new way on exactly what Jesus was saying. They give us a path to The Good Life that is not natural – in fact it’s supernatural.
I found myself in a place where I felt out of control this week, and I wanted to power up and force my way to make things happen. I was grumpy and out of sorts because I was fearful that things weren’t going to work out my way. It was then that the key ideas from Psalm 37 came flooding into my mind. Several times the Psalmist gave these comforting instructions to the people who were worried about their situation:
Wow, that was so helpful for me, and I hope it was for you in whatever it is that you are facing. If you happened to miss Sunday’s message or want to review it as I did this week, you can watch it at any time.
I was excited and proud as I listened this week to Pastor John share about the fruit of Serve Our Community that we engaged in over two weekends. We linked arms together to help our community look more beautiful by working at different schools and non-profit organizations. The gratitude expressed by the different school representatives was so warming. Thanks to Pastor John and Mare Dibert for coordinating and for all of you who served to show our community that we care.
One of the best ways to get to know our church and God’s mission for us here in Western Nevada County is to participate in Growth Path. This series of engaging seminars will help you know who we are and how you can find a place to call home as you grow to be more like Jesus. The next Growth Path is Sunday, May 16, 2:00-5:00pm. We have four different classes, BELONG 101, BECOME 201, BLESS 301, BUILD 401, each taught by a different pastor. You can register online or at church on Sunday.
Sister’s Closet is this weekend. I wish you could see the faces of the women who are able to come to our campus and get gently used clothing items for FREE! Ladies, it’s still not too late to dig through those closets and bring your items TODAY until 6:00pm. You can also come and shop for FREE on Saturday morning from 9:00am-12:00pm. Make sure to come early to get the best selection.
I am amazed at what God continues to show us through our series, The Good Life. Each week we’re seeing that the Beatitudes (that’s the section we’re currently in) have such deeper meaning than just “attitudes to be” or virtues to attain. They go much deeper. Jesus is talking about what happens in the lives of people who walk with Him. They become like Him. This Sunday we get to look at Beautiful Craving. We live in a world that is consumed with consuming. Jesus shows us through this Beatitude that most of what we crave really won’t satisfy. He doesn’t leave us hanging, though. Instead, He shows us what to crave that will never leave us unsatisfied.
Mother’s Day is Sunday. We are offering opportunities for PHOTOS to celebrate the moms in our lives. And best of all, we’re having DONUTS! Mom, you don’t have to cook breakfast, let us load your kids up on sugar as our gift to you. We love you so much.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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