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My God Is Bigger Than Yours + Sunday Morning Resources

TCC • January 17, 2025

In a culture as spiritually diverse as ancient Ephesus, people sought control over their fears and futures by trying to invoke the power of a host of so-called gods. Today, we may not wear amulets or worship in temples, but we still cling to things we hope will save us — whether it’s money, success, or social approval.

This Sunday, we will continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and discover why our God is bigger than anything else we turn to for security or control. 

Below are some additional resources to help you get ready for the weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!

Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend:


With gratitude,

New Paragraph

By TCC March 21, 2025
This Sunday is going to be an exciting one. Our founding couple, Ron and Kim Thompson, will be unpacking Paul’s words about how to honor Christ and support one another in marriage. Whether you’re married, single, or somewhere in between, this message will be deeply relevant and will help us grapple with what it means to live as Children of God within relationship with other imperfect image bearers. You won’t want to miss it! Investing in Our Future We’re in an exciting season of growth — both here at Twin Cities and in Uganda. As I shared last weekend, our church home needs a few critical updates, and we also have the opportunity to help build a new home for a sister church in Uganda. We’d love for you to be part of this lasting impact. Click here to learn how you can invest in the future. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grip,
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By TCC February 28, 2025
As we step into the second half of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, the focus shifts from who we are in Christ to how we are called to live in light of that truth. This Sunday, we’ll explore what it means to be gifted and equipped by the Holy Spirit — not just for our own benefit, but for the strengthening of the Church. Each of us has been entrusted with spiritual gifts, uniquely intended to build up the body of Christ. But if we don’t recognize or use them, we miss out on the part God has called us to play in being the body of Christ. What are spiritual gifts really for? How do we discover them? And what does it look like when we fully embrace them as a church? Join us as we dig into Ephesians 4 and uncover how we can step into the fullness of God’s calling. Also, a quick reminder — Grow University begins next week! If you're looking for a way to get more connected and discover how God has uniquely shaped you, this is your next step. Click here to learn more or to sign up. Looking forward to diving into this together! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grip,
By TCC February 21, 2025
As we reach the midpoint of our journey through Ephesians, we come to a pivotal transition. Paul has reminded us that we are deeply rooted in God’s love — but what does that mean for how we live ? This Sunday, we’ll explore what it truly means to embody the fullness of God — not just as individuals, but as a church. We are called to be more than attendees; we are the dwelling place of His Spirit, sent to reflect His heart in the world. This conversation will challenge the way we define success as a church. If we truly are the body of Christ, how do we measure whether we’re living out that calling? Hint: it’s not about counting attendance or the quality of our programs. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grip,
By TCC February 14, 2025
Over the last couple of weekends, we have been exploring the good news that, in Christ, God has broken down every dividing wall to create one united family. Though we may come from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, God weaves us together into a beautiful mosaic — His Church. Yet, many of us struggle to believe that we truly belong. We carry doubts about our worthiness, shaped by our past, our insecurities, and even our earthly relationships. This week, we’ll explore Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21, where he prays that we might not only know, but rest in the overwhelming love of our Heavenly Father. By the way, you don’t have to go halfway around the world to make a difference. Next Thursday, a group from TCC will be heading down to Convoy of Hope’s facility in Sacramento to help pack up a shipment of supplies to help those impacted by the fires in SoCal. If you’re interested in participating, please contact Kathy Arnoldi for more details. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grip of grace,
By TCC February 7, 2025
As we continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we will continue to unpack the transformative power of grace, both on our identities and our community. Pastor Mark will help us see that the amazing grace of God doesn’t just save us, but shapes every aspect of our lives. We will also celebrate communion together as a church family. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 31, 2025
Last week, we explored how God’s amazing grace transforms our relationship with Him. This week, we’ll see how it also changes the way we relate to one another. As we dive into the second half of Ephesians 2, we’ll discover that God’s grace is the great equalizer that levels the playing field for all of us, no matter our background. In addition, we’ll be celebrating baptisms in both services this Sunday. If you're ready to make a public declaration of your faith, come prepared to be baptized — just arrive 30 minutes before service to get a t-shirt and a brief orientation. Whether you're being baptized or coming to celebrate the public declarations of your new brothers and sisters in Christ, it’s going to be an exciting and powerful Sunday that you won’t want to miss! Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 24, 2025
Join us this weekend as we dive into one of the most profound truths in Scripture: the amazing grace of God. Grace isn’t something we earn — it’s a gift that transforms and sustains us every day. I’m excited to explore this life-changing truth together and celebrate the hope we have in Him. If you’re ready to take the next step in your faith through baptism, we’d love to walk with you! Join us for a brief informational class this Sunday at 9:00am to prepare for baptisms happening next weekend. Can’t make it Sunday? A second class will be held Wednesday, January 29, at noon here at TCC. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 10, 2025
Last Sunday, we began our journey through Ephesians, discovering our true identity in Christ. This week, we’ll continue exploring what it means to belong to God’s family, fully loved and secure in Him. Yet for many of us, fully resting in this truth doesn’t come easily. Doubts, insecurities, and past hurts can hold us back from embracing the peace and joy of knowing we are His. And yet, as we will discover this Sunday, our standing with God has more to do with Him than with us.  Below are some additional resources to help you get ready for the weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry With gratitude,
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