Whoa! Monday’s news was sure a head spinning shock as we were forced into the PURPLE tier concerning COVID restrictions. No one expected that even though our case load had been rising at a dramatic rate. Everyone who owns a business or restaurant, operates a non-profit, runs an office, or leads a church gulped and swallowed hard as they began to think of the ramifications of such a blow. After reflecting on the lost income and opportunity cost of these new restrictions, the next step was to determine how to manage this new reality.
I listened to a presentation yesterday by the Nevada County Health Department on these new guidelines and suggestions about how to implement them. One of the presenters, a local business person, made it clear that many businesses would not survive and that those who did would, more than likely, be greatly hindered from being the same business or offering the same services they did prior to these measures. The word “fear” came to mind as I listened. I was sobered to think that our community will take years to dig our way out of this mess.
I am concerned for our local businesses. I know we’ve all heard the message, “BUY LOCAL.” Well, if there ever was a time to take that message seriously, it’s now. So, let’s show our support and care for our local businesses, who are really the heart of our community, by shopping and dining locally. When you do, please let the owner or employee know that you care by saying, “I’m praying for you during these times.”
I am also concerned about the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our community. Everyone is under so much stress because of our long period of isolation because of COVID. When you combine that with the angst over the past election, we’re seeing an increase in recent suicides, marital stress, domestic violence, child abuse, depression, desperation, inappropriate expressions of anger, conflict, disunity, and loneliness. Will you please pray with me that God’s Holy Spirit will flow into the hearts and minds of those who are hurting and vulnerable?
So, how is our church going to respond to all of this? Well, first, we’re going to do what we’ve always done. One of our prime values and directives is printed and hanging over our fireplace. Do you remember what it says? In large white letters, this message cries out: LOVE EVERYONE ALWAYS.
We’ve been guided by the Great Commission (Mark 12:29-31) from the beginning of our church. It says that we are to love the Lord our God with all our HEART, SOUL, MIND, and STRENGTH. Added to that, it says we are to LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS. We are to love God and be good neighbors. That's what we're about.
Second, we are going to put our energy into providing quality online worship experiences. Beginning this Sunday, November 22, we will be back to an online only format. Friends, we were made to worship, and our teams will be doing their best to help you engage in worship through inspiring music, deep Bible teaching, transformational prayers, and giving moments. In the video Kimberly and I just posted to social media, we quoted our son’s pastor as he wrote to his church. He said, “My exhortation is that each of us fight to first be purposefully attentive to God – to be present to God, and second to be lovingly invested in loving others in this time when we need our church, and our church needs us most.”
How do we do that? Well, I want to suggest that you make a fresh commitment to your own faithful online engagement with your church. We lovingly invite you to prioritize or re-prioritize online worship because we all need to worship. As the writer to the Hebrews said, “Let us not neglect our spiritual act of worship.” We need to worship together. Your online engagement not only benefits you, but it benefits all who watch with you. We must not neglect the meeting of the body.
I know that online worship requires more discipline to stay hooked in and engaged, but let me encourage you to do the hard work because that work honors God, inspires you, and encourages others. Just like we say that something supernatural happens when we gather together in person to worship, spiritual happenings also occur when we engage together online.
I want to suggest that it’s critical for all of us to work hard right now. Work hard to stay connected. Work hard on your faith. You could sit there in front of your screen and not engage, or you could do what it takes to connect with God. Maybe you get on your knees when you pray. Maybe you get communion elements set up before we take communion. Maybe get out a pen and paper and take notes on what God says to you. Maybe you invite a friend to watch at the same time as you and then talk. When you watch online, you are gathering with a host of people who call Twin Cities Church their home. Pray for your church family while you view the service.
Some people have asked me, “Ron, when will we stand up or buck or say 'NO' to the government restrictions?” I know they ask that because they are fatigued, tired, frustrated, disappointed, disillusioned, and fearful of what seems to be some kind of government overstep into their rights. I understand that completely. I recently wrote to someone and said, “I am a rebel at heart. I hate to be told what to do like we’re being told what to do.” That’s who I am in my full humanity. At the same time, I am committed to doing what I believe our community needs most, and what I believe our community needs most is an encounter with the living and loving God of the Bible. I believe our community needs to see a group of people who love even when loving is hard and costly. I believe our community needs us to be part of the solution instead of adding to the problem of disunity we see in so many instances.
COVID will end, and we have to ask ourselves what we want to have left of our character, integrity, and witness when it’s all said and done. I want to stand firm on the call we have to be good neighbors to everyone in our community. Yes, we’ve changed methods, but we haven’t compromised our message. I spend so much of my time contemplating pathways we can take, and even though we haven’t pleased everyone, our reputation among those who don’t yet know Jesus is still strong. Our commitment to love God and our community is what keeps us from being tossed around in the seas of chaos we’re in right now.
One way we get to serve our community during this time of crisis is to extend compassion by helping the hungry. We partner with Interfaith Food Ministry as our way of helping to alleviate the food shortage so many people are experiencing. We do this by gathering food monthly. Friday morning (it’s supposed to be sunny) is our next Drive-Thru Food Drive.
Pastor John sent these instructions out today: We have another opportunity this week to team up with Interfaith Food Ministries for the "Shop, Stop, & Drop" Drive-Thru Food Drive — a no-contact, maximum-impact way to support our community and the growing number of people in need from COVID-19 hardships. We are asking for your help in donating much needed non-perishable food items! There is no need to even leave your car. Simply drive to TCC’s parking lot between 8:00-10:30am on Friday, November 20 and follow the directions of the volunteers and signs.
We’re also going to receive a special Feed the Hungry offering with all proceeds going to help support the efforts of Interfaith Food Ministry. This offering will be totally online so just click here and you'll be able to give. Food is always an issue for so many at this time of year, but in our COVID reality, more people than ever are finding themselves resource challenged as it comes to food.
On Sunday we get to wrap up our UNCOMMON SENSE series by taking a deep look into Proverbs 9. I hope you will read it before Sunday and be ready to engage fully as we learn how to walk the way of wisdom.
During this time when it’s impossible for us to be on campus together, please make sure to stay engaged online. Let me encourage you to keep your Sunday rhythms by watching the service live at either 9:00 or 11:00am. I believe that will help you stay disciplined as we walk this road of COVID restrictions together.
If you need, you can watch the current service or any archived service on demand any time you want right from our website or APP. Here’s an idea: When you’re watching online, please invite your friends to join you. If you haven’t downloaded the TCC APP, just go to the APP store and search for TCC GRASS VALLEY and download it today. You can watch the service right from your device.
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,