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Show People You Care

TCC • December 10, 2020

By now, you’ve probably all learned that Nevada County is under a Stay-at-Home order that will last through December 31. What does that mean for our church? Well, in alignment with the values we’ve adhered to this entire COVID logjam, we won’t have to make many changes other than the ones we recently adopted when we went PURPLE.

Please hear me – church is NOT canceled. The place we do church has changed. The way we do church has changed. We have an opportunity to be the light of Jesus to our community by honoring God and blessing our neighbors. We will still have church on Sundays. We will still have Christmas Eve services. Our Worship Arts and Technical teams have been hard at work at how we’re going to continue to offer church on Sundays and meaningful and inspiring Christmas Eve services. This is a pivot that was expected and prepared for in advance.

Please pray for a unified spirit to fill everyone who calls Twin Cities Church home. None of us likes this. Let’s be honest and real. But it’s our current reality. So, the question is, “How do we make much of Jesus during the month we celebrate His birth?” We believe we do that by putting aside our rights to do life the way we want for the good of all who are part of our community. Let’s make it our goal to support our local businesses during this time when they need us most.

You can check our website out for information on upcoming plans and events. At this moment, we’re going to do all we can to serve you well. Your spiritual health is our primary concern.

I had already written the following before the Stay-at-Home order was put into place, and I am going to include it because it’s still good stuff.

I’ve been thinking and praying a lot for you during this season we’re in right now. Today, I want to share a way you can encourage the people in your world. In one of my messages on relationship skills from a long time ago, I suggested a way to show people you care. It was based on a skill I learned to get someone to open up and talk more deeply from their heart, based upon a simple way to ask a deeper, more probing question like this: “How are you doing? Really?” 

When you ask that question, the best way to make sure it’s heard is to pause, look the person in the eye, and listen as they speak. And if you want to engage in graduate-level relationship stuff, ask a clarifying question or two. Finally, make a statement of empathy like this: “Wow, that is really big.” Or “That sounds tough.” When you show that kind of empathy, you show that you really care, and it allows the other person to tap into their feelings.

I say all of that because I want to know how you’re doing. Really. I haven’t seen some of your faces since March. Others of you I’ve seen a few times. This isolation and social distancing goes against all that I am – even as an introvert. I miss you so much and can’t wait to get back to a rhythm of connection like we’ve known over the years together. God made us for community. So, what can we do during this time of our COVID logjam to engage together – even if we can’t be in the same physical space?

I have a couple of ideas that might help. One, begin a letter-writing campaign. In times of isolation, letters are such a lift to a person’s spirit. When you acknowledge that you’ve been thinking of them and offer words of gratitude for who they are, what they mean to you, the courage you see in them, those words of encouragement can brighten a person’s mood.

Here’s another suggestion. Make a phone call. I’m sure that I’m aging myself by saying that, but there’s something special about hearing these words, “I’ve missed you,” from someone who knows you. Phone calls allow for an emotional connection and encourage deeper limbic responses.

Here’s another idea. Use social media to bless others. Instead of just hitting the “like” or “heart” button, make a comment on their post. You could celebrate what you see they’re doing. You could offer a word of “atta boy or girl.” You could speak into their world about something totally unrelated to the post they’ve done and share how much they mean to you. Surprise others by your imaginative thoughtfulness.

Finally, you could speak a short prayer for them by reminding them of God’s promises and faithfulness in all circumstances. This helps your friend, loved one, co-worker, or acquaintance to take their eyes off their reality and pull them up toward God. I read a Bible verse today that helped me tremendously. This is from Isaiah 40:25-26. “’To whom will you compare Me? Or who is My equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” At Christmas, we think of the star that led the Wise Men to Bethlehem. Let’s take time to look up during this season and see what God is doing in others.

Several people have thanked me for the 30-Day Gratitude Experiment. I know that I’m finding it to be uplifting as I am able to take my eyes off what is not right or not what I want and place them on what is good around me. After Christmas, I’ll ask you if the gratitude experiment made a difference in your attitude, joy, contentment, peace, and overall satisfaction. Let’s increase our joy together. Just make sure that when you post about gratitude that you use #TCC30DayGratitudeExperiment. Gratitude reminds us of how we’ve been blessed and generates emotional inertia to bless others.

Families, we’ve put a super fun Birthday Party for Jesus kit together for you to help you engage with your kids during Christmas Eve. You can pick up a kit on Sundays from 9:00-11:00AM in front of the building at the roundabout. If you can’t make it then, they’ll be available at the church office during the week. Make sure to check the website to find out more because these details may change.

It's Year-End Gift season. When we give to our church, we get to see our gifts at work to help the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless right here in our community and around the world. But more than that, we know that every gift we give goes to support and provide guidance to people who need to experience God’s love and compassion. What we do has eternal significance. If you want to know more about our Year-End Giving emphasis and how you can give, you can read about it on our website. 


You may have seen the news about the overwhelming need our food banks are experiencing as they help families who are food challenged. We can help Interfaith Food Ministries as we engage in our next "Shop, Stop, & Drop" Drive-Thru Food Drive. This is a no-contact, maximum-impact way to support our community and the growing number of people in need from COVID-19 hardships. We are asking for your help in donating much needed non-perishable food items. There is no need to leave your car. Simply drive to TCC’s parking lot between 8:00-10:30am on Friday, December 18 and follow the volunteer’s directions and signs. Please check our website often because these details may change.


We continue our Advent series this Sunday by looking at Matthew 2:1-12, and the focus will be on A Messy Pursuit. This story that many will find familiar is full of deep truth and challenge. I hope you’ll tune in and worship with us on Sunday. 


During this time when it’s impossible for us to be on campus together, please make sure to stay engaged online. Let me encourage you to keep your Sunday rhythms by watching the service live at either 9:00 or 11:00am. I believe that will help you stay disciplined as we walk this road of COVID restrictions together. 

If you need, you can watch the current service or any archived service on demand any time you want right from our website or APP. Here’s an idea: When you’re watching online, please invite your friends to join you. If you haven’t downloaded the TCC APP, just go to the APP store and search for TCC GRASS VALLEY and download it today. You can watch the service right from your device.  


Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,

By TCC February 21, 2025
As we reach the midpoint of our journey through Ephesians, we come to a pivotal transition. Paul has reminded us that we are deeply rooted in God’s love — but what does that mean for how we live ? This Sunday, we’ll explore what it truly means to embody the fullness of God — not just as individuals, but as a church. We are called to be more than attendees; we are the dwelling place of His Spirit, sent to reflect His heart in the world. This conversation will challenge the way we define success as a church. If we truly are the body of Christ, how do we measure whether we’re living out that calling? Hint: it’s not about counting attendance or the quality of our programs. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grip,
By TCC February 14, 2025
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By TCC February 7, 2025
As we continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we will continue to unpack the transformative power of grace, both on our identities and our community. Pastor Mark will help us see that the amazing grace of God doesn’t just save us, but shapes every aspect of our lives. We will also celebrate communion together as a church family. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 31, 2025
Last week, we explored how God’s amazing grace transforms our relationship with Him. This week, we’ll see how it also changes the way we relate to one another. As we dive into the second half of Ephesians 2, we’ll discover that God’s grace is the great equalizer that levels the playing field for all of us, no matter our background. In addition, we’ll be celebrating baptisms in both services this Sunday. If you're ready to make a public declaration of your faith, come prepared to be baptized — just arrive 30 minutes before service to get a t-shirt and a brief orientation. Whether you're being baptized or coming to celebrate the public declarations of your new brothers and sisters in Christ, it’s going to be an exciting and powerful Sunday that you won’t want to miss! Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 24, 2025
Join us this weekend as we dive into one of the most profound truths in Scripture: the amazing grace of God. Grace isn’t something we earn — it’s a gift that transforms and sustains us every day. I’m excited to explore this life-changing truth together and celebrate the hope we have in Him. If you’re ready to take the next step in your faith through baptism, we’d love to walk with you! Join us for a brief informational class this Sunday at 9:00am to prepare for baptisms happening next weekend. Can’t make it Sunday? A second class will be held Wednesday, January 29, at noon here at TCC. Below, you’ll find resources to help you prepare your heart and mind for this weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry In His grace,
By TCC January 17, 2025
In a culture as spiritually diverse as ancient Ephesus, people sought control over their fears and futures by trying to invoke the power of a host of so-called gods. Today, we may not wear amulets or worship in temples, but we still cling to things we hope will save us — whether it’s money, success, or social approval. This Sunday, we will continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and discover why our God is bigger than anything else we turn to for security or control. Below are some additional resources to help you get ready for the weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry With gratitude,
By TCC January 10, 2025
Last Sunday, we began our journey through Ephesians, discovering our true identity in Christ. This week, we’ll continue exploring what it means to belong to God’s family, fully loved and secure in Him. Yet for many of us, fully resting in this truth doesn’t come easily. Doubts, insecurities, and past hurts can hold us back from embracing the peace and joy of knowing we are His. And yet, as we will discover this Sunday, our standing with God has more to do with Him than with us.  Below are some additional resources to help you get ready for the weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry With gratitude,
By TCC January 3, 2025
Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, I want to invite you on a journey of discovering your true identity In Christ . This Sunday, we’ll kick off a foundational new message series walking through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Together, we’ll explore what it means to live In Christ , finding our identity, purpose, and blessings through Him.  Ephesians reminds us that our worth isn’t found in what we do or what’s been done to us, but in who we are as redeemed, chosen, and beloved people of God. It’s an invitation to step off the hamster wheel of performance and rest in the grace and love found only in Him. As we journey through this series, I also want to encourage you to dive into Scripture this year. I’ll be reading through the Bible again using the Bible Project’s reading plan, and I’d love for you to join me. Click here to access the plan and start this life-changing journey today. Below are some additional resources to help you get ready for the weekend. I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry With gratitude,
By TCC December 27, 2024
What a joy it was to celebrate Christmas Eve with so many of you this week! From the glow of candlelight to the sound of our church family worshipping the Prince of Peace, it was a beautiful reminder of the hope and peace we have in Jesus. Christmas might be over, but the celebration isn’t. This Sunday, we’ll continue the celebration with our annual Remember and Celebrate service. Together, we’ll look back on the past year and reflect on God’s incredible faithfulness in our lives and in our church. It’s a time to give thanks, share stories of His goodness, and renew our hope for the year ahead. We’ll also celebrate communion together, remembering the gift of grace that binds us together as a family of faith. With the start of a New Year just a few days away, I also want to invite you on a journey through God’s word. Once again, I plan to read through the Bible using the Bible Project’s Bible reading plan. Would you like to join me? If so, click here . Let’s close out the year with gratitude and joy as we worship the One who has been faithful through every season. I hope to see you this Sunday! Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend: Message Notes and Study Guide Weekly Spotify Playlist Children's Ministry Student Ministry With gratitude,
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