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Reduce Distractions


Identifying, balancing, or eliminating things that distance me from Jesus and steal my heart and affections.

KEY Practices

Reduce Distractions (pdf)

Using Values to Simplify (pdf)

Contentment (pdf)

Slowing (pdf)


Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:35

But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33


“To H*** with the Hustle”

by Jefferson Bethke

The things we tend to avoid — like silence, obscurity, solitude, and vulnerability — are the very things that can give us meaning, and the richness we are truly looking for.

“The Shallows”

by Nicholas Carr

As we enjoy the internet’s bounties, are we sacrificing our ability to read and think deeply? How does the internet affect our brains and the way we think?


by Sharla Fritz

This book will enable you to exchange frenzy for rest, anxiety for peace, and distraction for focus. Learn spiritual habits and practical tactics that bring sanity back to life.

Group Studies

“Simplicity and Fasting”

by Jan Johnson

Leading a simple life can help you focus on what is truly important. Fasting can help you learn to hunger for the things that really matter. 


by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Learn to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. Boundaries help define who you what you do.


by Craig Groeschel

Simply put, normal isn't working. Groeschel’s WEIRD will help you break free from the norm to lead a radically abnormal (and endlessly more fulfilling) life.

“Being God’s Man…By Standing Firm Under Pressure”

by Steve Arterburn

How Daniel and his band of brothers refused to compromise under pressure. Instead, they faced each challenge with courage and trust. 

Design A Life Rhythm


Discovering things that draw me into God’s presence and placing those things in my life to nourish my relationship with God.


Design a Life Rhythm (

A Digital Rule of Life (pdf)

Abiding in Jesus (pdf)

Margin and Limits (pdf)


Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.

Mark 1:35

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5

I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8


“Life Without Lack”

by Dallas Willard

Life Without Lack helps readers experience God’s presence, His abundant generosity, and peace and freedom from worry.

“Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke”

by Bill Gaultiere

Eventually our well runs dry. Perhaps we dug into the arid ground of perfectionism, anxiety, or overwork. Learn to live in the well-spring of God’s sustaining grace.

“The Spirit of the Disciplines”

by Dallas Willard

A way of living that enables ordinary men and women to enjoy the fruit of the Christian life. Through the practice of the spiritual disciplines, find fulfillment in life.

“Soul Keeping”

by John Ortberg

Ortberg guides you through several practices to restore your soul so you can experience a life of wholeness, balance, and hope.

“An Unhurried Life”

by Alan Fadling

How the work of "unhurrying" ourselves is central to resisting temptation, caring for others, praying and making disciples.

Group Studies


by Craig Groeschel

Simply put, normal isn't working. Groeschel’s WEIRD will help you break free from the norm to lead a radically abnormal (and endlessly more fulfilling) life.

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