As we end this year known for its uncertainty, chaos, and tension, many people are eagerly anticipating changing their calendars on Friday as we celebrate the coming of 2021. I don’t know if you watched SGN (Some Good News) with John Krasinski, but it was one of the shows that helped me get through the earliest COVID logjam moments. He tapped into something we all need, and that is to take our eyes off the “bad” news around us and realize that good is waiting for us to discover it.
I’ve discovered that wishing 2020 had not happened or believing that a calendar change will impact our reality is not going to make things different. We must take a proactive approach to look for good news as we step into the new year. We’ve all tried resolutions, but if we’re honest, we can admit that making resolutions usually doesn’t work. We’ve tried making changes through willpower, effort, and self-help, but these efforts have left us stuck in the quagmire as we long to get through these times.
This morning I read a blog that gave me a clear perspective on how I plan to approach 2021 and looking for good news. It spoke to me about a choice we can make that will make a difference in our perspective while giving us the strength to face our difficulties with renewed hope. The writer talked about the importance of focus and used Hebrews 12:1-2 as her example of where we place our eyes can make a difference.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
I want to give you two keys that will help you keep your focus on Jesus in 2021. That way, no matter what happens – even if something worse than COVID arises – you can succeed in your desire to know Him better.
Instead of making New Year’s resolutions about what you want to do more of or less of in 2021, what if you made it your goal to engage in a way that would help you most? What if you made a goal that would develop your character and give you inspiration for each day? What if you could say this each day: “Today, I know God better than I knew Him yesterday?”
I believe that if you would adopt these two practices, then this is precisely what would happen. Here they are: Make it your goal to engage with your Bible and communicate with God in prayer each day. That’s it. I don’t think I want to suggest any other practice to you that could make more of a difference than these two.
First, let’s talk about engaging with the Bible each day. Did you know that people who succeed at the idea of Bible reading do so because they didn’t leave their engagement up to chance? Instead, they followed a plan. I want to suggest that you make reading the Bible a priority for each day. There are many plans you can follow. At Twin Cities, we have a reading plan we’ve recommended for two decades. You can find a copy of it here.
What we’ve discovered over time, though, is that this plan can feel cumbersome because of the sheer volume of reading for each day. That’s why we’ve also included some links on our website to other plans you might choose. It’s not important which plan you choose, as much as it is that you choose a plan. Whichever plan you use, the way to get the most out of your Bible engagement is to take time to write down what you heard from God. Journaling is the key to deepening your retention and helps you remember what God spoke to you through His Word.
Second, let’s continue with daily prayer. Coming to God in prayer is the place where you get to meet with Him in intimacy and relationship. I can’t even begin to tell you how much daily prayer has done to draw me into deeper intimacy with God.
Each year we offer a challenge to make a specific prayer part of our everyday experience. In 2020, we participated together in the Lord’s Prayer. I found that exercise to be so helpful each day as we made our way through the uncertainty we faced in 2020. Our 2021 prayer is based upon Paul’s encouragement to the church as Ephesus as he guided them in how to stand strong in times of great difficulty and opposition.
On Sunday, I will unpack this prayer for us as part of our Walking the Way of Wisdom series. About three months ago, I sensed a leading from God to use this prayer as our 2021 focus because it is strategically offensive and defensive at the same time. When I use the word “offensive,” I mean that prayer is our offensive weapon as we wage battle against the forces of evil in our world. At the same time, it is “defensive” in that it provides us with protection from our archenemy, Satan. If there was ever a time when we needed both parts of prayer, it is now. We need this.
Reading the Bible and praying helps me persevere and keep my eyes on Jesus. Can you imagine what your life could be like if you engaged with God each day for a year? Can you even begin to dream of how you might be different? I believe that if we make it our goal to engage in these two practices in 2021, they will help us keep our eyes focused on Jesus. When we do that, we’ll find that we experience more of His peace, mercy, and grace no matter what the next year may bring. I hope you will join me in this challenge for the upcoming year. Our website has clear guidelines to help you engage in these two practices with your church family in 2021.
Today, December 31, is the last day to give to our church and have it credited to your account for IRS purposes. Our Year-End Gift allows us to take steps forward in our mission to lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. If ever there was a time when the world needed the church to function at a high level, it’s now.
When we give to our church, we get to see our gifts at work to help the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless right here in our community and around the world. But more than that, we know that every gift we give goes to support and provide guidance to people who need to experience God’s love and compassion. What we do has eternal significance. If you want to know more about our Year-End Giving emphasis and how you can give, you can read about it on our website.
During this time when we can’t meet in person, please make sure to stay engaged online. Let me encourage you to keep your Sunday rhythms by watching the service live at either 9:00 or 11:00am. I believe that will help you stay disciplined as we walk this road of COVID restrictions together and will help our church family feel your nearness and encouragement as we continue to “gather” in His name.
If you like, you can watch the current service or any archived service on demand any time you want right from our website or APP. Here’s an idea: When you’re watching online, please invite your friends to join you. If you haven’t downloaded the TCC APP, just go to the APP store and search for TCC GRASS VALLEY and download it today. You can watch the service right from your device.
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,