It’s so fulfilling to hear the positive feedback every time we do a message series like MOVING FORWARD. There’s something about vision and clarity that gives us direction and ownership. I was thrilled at your response to the SHARE LIFE message on Sunday. Friends, Twin Cities is a place where God is experienced, Jesus is lifted up, and lives are changed. It’s great to gather together and share the life we have in Jesus and with one another. We all want to know that there is a place for us in God’s plan, and Acts 2:42-47 painted such a beautiful picture of life in community. Please watch the service if you didn’t get to engage on Sunday.
Let me take a moment to speak words of pastoral care and compassion. Some people heard me talk about the benefits of being together on Sundays at church, and they felt conflicted because of their desire to remain safe during our COVID reality. Let me say that I understand your caution – especially if you have loved ones who are compromised because of underlying health issues or if you have your own health concerns. I know that I am at a higher risk than a healthy person because of my cancer and the impact of the treatments I’ve undergone. Yes, I ended up getting COVID a few weeks ago, and it was a kicker. I was in bed for four days, and I am still recovering physically and emotionally from my experiences. So, I understand your reticence to gather in person. I care about how you’re feeling.
I have a suggestion that may help. If you’re going to remain online only for a season, will you please look for ways to be more than an observer? Will you work to engage? Will you sing, fill out a Connection Card, give us your prayer requests, give financially, and dialogue with the online pastor and others who are watching? If online church is going to fill the need you have for connection, you’re going to have to work to stay engaged. It won’t happen just by tuning in, you’ll also need to participate. I don’t say this for you alone. You can make a difference in the lives of others as you stay engaged through communication and sharing. I’m so grateful for our Worship Arts Tech Teams who make these services available to us each week, and they can fill a need during this time of separation. I love you and want the best for you and your journey with Jesus.
The writer of Hebrews wrote: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Friends, these verses tell us that our hope, trust in God, love for each other, and acts of service – our overall well-being is based upon our gathering together. You cannot have those things consistently in your life if you try to go it alone. We need each other.
I write this because we began a new series last Sunday. It’s our annual Vision series. We’re going to have a conversation about how we will continue MOVING FORWARD to become the people and church God has in store for us. Our vision is tied to the fact that we have been called to follow Jesus and love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Each week in this series, we’ll talk about an aspect of what it means to journey with Jesus as we practice His ways.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
GROW UNIVERSITY registrations are now open for our Spring semester of classes that begin on Monday, February 28. Go to our website and look at the specialized offerings designed to help you grow in your faith as you live for God’s purposes in our world. You can take Financial Peace University, Marriage Works, Life After Death, and GriefShare.
Our next BAPTISM will be on March 6. That’s our 30th birthday! What a great time to go public for Jesus as you take this step of identification and intimacy with Him. If you’ve never been baptized after you said “YES” to Jesus, please pray about this opportunity for you. Check it out and register on our website.
GROWTH PATH is Sunday, February 27. Growth Path is a great time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. We have several part-time jobs open right now for the right person who not only wants to work but wants that work to make a difference in the lives of others. Here is the link to see the current job openings. If you’re interested in any of these positions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the person listed. We look forward to having you join our team of motivated servant leaders.
THIS SUNDAY, we get to continue our Vision series called MOVING FORWARD. We’ll focus on what it’s like to follow Jesus and STRENGTHEN FAITH together. When we commit to Be With Jesus, we Become Like Jesus, and end up Living Like Jesus. It’s all about being on a journey with Him. This is the way God made things to work. See you Sunday as we gather to worship and be inspired by Him.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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