On Monday, as I was about to begin my week of radiation, I had an idea pop into my mind on how to pray. I have been visualizing the picture of Jesus I shared with you a few months ago before each treatment. But on this morning, I asked Him to shield my inner tender parts from possible damage from the radiation treatment. I spoke this prayer and with Jesus’ face in my mind during the ten or so minutes the radiation treatment lasted.
So, here’s what happened later in the day. My friend Duncan messaged me and said that was praying Psalm 5:11-12 for me that day. Here’s what it says: “But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. Surely, LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.”
What was so uplifting to me is that as I was praying for Jesus to be my shield, my friend Duncan was praying the same thing from God’s Word. I love how God works in subtle ways to encourage us in our struggles and dark moments. Just when we need it, He inspires His people to be His hands and feet and voice of encouragement. So, that leads me to ask, who has God put on your heart to encourage? Why don’t you send them a word today? You never know how your small effort will be a huge lift to someone else.
I’m now two weeks in to my six-week treatment plan of chemo and radiation. I have felt pretty good this week. I did get a reality check from the radiation oncologist today who informed me that upcoming weeks will get progressively more difficult and painful. I consider it another nudge to hold on to Jesus as my shield and protector. Even though it does give me cause for concern and fear as the pain progressively increases. Thank you for your prayers.
55+ Sock Hop & Ice Cream Social. If you are over 55, we are excited to have our first event in over a year! Join us this Sunday, June 27 from 2:00-5:00pm in the TCC Lobby. It only costs $5 and we’ll have a full ice cream bar with delicious toppings and a LIVE BAND! Come socialize with your friends, dance if you want to, and enjoy a sweet treat. Register online or just show up on Sunday.
Student’s and Children’s Summer Camps are happening. Yay! I appreciate Michael Bauer, Semeria Bjorkman, and Bobby Breaux for their diligence in finding camp opportunities for our students and children. Our young people have been through so much disruption in our COVID logjam. Camp offers them a chance to be kids and be reminded that God is with them and for them. Parents, you can find out more on our website. Check it out!
July 3 Community Celebration and Serve Opportunity. We’re going to participate with our Grass Valley Downtown Association’s celebration of our nation’s independence by serving a pancake breakfast and providing fun carnival games from 9:00-11:00am. We’re still looking for volunteers who want to help serve. If you’d like to help, please email John or Mare. You’re also invited to come out and join in on the fun! We’re providing music, pancakes, games and even the National Anthem.
We began our new series on Sunday as we picked up right where we ended The Good Life series that took us through the Beatitudes in the first part of the Sermon on the Mount. In this next section, Jesus gives us the way His followers are to live in this world. When we respond to His call to follow Him, Jesus leads us to a way of life that is both fulfilling and challenging.
You may have heard of the hit Disney series called The Mandalorian. The Mandalorian are a group who live by a code of conduct that they will not violate or deny. The phrase they use is “This is the way.” That phrase is a bond between them that gives them meaning and purpose. Jesus gives us His way to live and calls us to follow Him with the same kind of commitment. I look forward to what God will do in us as we digest Jesus’ words as He defined what it means to follow Him and know the good life He came to bring.
On Sunday, we’ll take a look at Jesus’ words as He makes it clear that when we follow His way we can have confidence in God’s Word for our lives because Jesus built His life on God’s Word for His life. God’s Word is trustworthy and true, and we can be confident in its impact in our lives as we build on Him.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
New Paragraph