Last weekend, we explored the fact that each of us has a God-given sphere of influence. Each of us has a unique network of relationships made up of people in our neighborhood, our workplace, the places we love to frequent, as well as our friends and family. This sphere of influence has the potential to be our most natural, most fruitful mission field. If you missed that conversation, I strongly encourage you to go back and listen to it, because it is a pivotal discussion not just in this series, but in the direction our church is headed.
This weekend, we conclude our series, Be the Church, by looking at the second half of the Great Commission. What does it mean to make disciples? Actually, what does it even mean to be a disciple? And how does that coincide with the spheres of influence God has placed us within? For those of you who left last Sunday feeling a little overwhelmed by the call to make disciples as we go about living our lives, this will be a helpful message to flesh out what that can look like.
Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend:
I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
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