I want to express my gratitude for your faithful financial generosity to our church in 2022. Let’s face it, this has been a tough year for many of us considering the rate of inflation and the price increases. It’s been quite a ride, and it may not be over yet. So your giving is more important than ever as we continue moving forward to engage together and lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We’re all about helping people know Jesus and follow Him as His apprentices.
Friends, in this crazy time in which we live, I believe God has placed Twin Cities as His church in this place for just this moment. We’re here to shine His healing light. We’re here to spread His fragrant seasoning. We’re here to unleash His empathetic compassion. We’re here to be His voice of comforting peace. We’re here to LOVE EVERYONE ALWAYS and to be a place WHERE HOPE IS FOUND.
In 2022, we’ve been able to help hundreds of people who have needs for shelter, food, and support. We’ve engaged in even greater ways with our ministry partners who work to alleviate the suffering and struggle of so many hurting people. We’ve engaged with our community in serving in unique ways, and God keeps opening opportunities for more all the time. We were able to celebrate with our Ugandan friends the opening of two new churches. We were able to add our support to Citywalk Church in Yuba City as they continue to expand God’s Kingdom there. We were able to encourage the Tamang family and our mission work in Nepal. We supported David Carothers and Transformation Ministry in their vision to start churches and grow disciples around the world. All of this has been made possible by your commitment to consistent, faithful, and generous giving.
As we look forward to 2023, the good news is that we’re more focused and inspired than we’ve ever been in doing ministry together. The good news is that God is not finished with us yet. The good news is that He’s working in new ways through new methods and means to help us reach those who are hungry for something more because of what we’ve experienced as a culture.
Folks, I believe with all my being that our best days are still ahead. Our world needs Jesus and His love right now and is probably more open to Him than at any time we’ve been here in Western Nevada County. The people around us need Jesus, and He has placed us here at this time to represent His loving presence and express His compassionate grace. Today is our day. Will you join me in praying about how we can help even more people experience God’s love in the coming year through your generous giving to our Year-End Gift?
Our Year-End Giving is even more vital this year because as of November 15 we are behind in our operating budget offerings. This isn’t the first time we’ve faced a financial shortfall, and I’m believing that just as God’s people have done in the past, December will be a great month of financial harvest as we give joyfully and freely to God’s church.
Our Year-End Giving allows our church to extend God’s love in ways we aren’t able to through our regular operating budget. This is one way we’ve been able to keep our operating budget somewhat level in the past ten years. Our operating budget pays for ministry. The Year-End Gift provides new opportunities and makes it possible to improve our facilities or presentation elements to help us continue to meet our goal of having excellent environments and inspiring opportunities. It goes to provide the means to expand our impact through initiatives in our community or world.
Gratitude is the core value in our Year-End Giving at Twin Cities. The way it works is for each of us to go before God, ask Him to show us how He has worked in our lives, and then out of gratitude offer Him an offering of praise through giving a financial gift. Not just to give more to the church than we normally do, but to give to God through the church. It’s a subtle difference, but it’s a key difference.
Will you pray and ask God what He would have you give and then respond accordingly to His leading?
You can give online by clicking here, or you can pick up an envelope on Sunday morning or from the church office during the week.
I want you to know how grateful I am for your continued support – especially considering our economic picture – and I look forward to how God will continue to use our church to bring His Kingdom to those who feel they are most distant from Him in our community and the far reaches of our world.
Joyfully living everyday life on mission with Jesus and others another year!
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