I love what God is doing here at Twin Cities. I love that we get to pursue Jesus together and radiate the light of His love into Nevada County and beyond.
As you know, our church is committed to engaging together to lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and that doesn’t just happen on Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00am. It happens throughout the week in each Life Group that meets in one of your homes. It happens in each conversation that you have with someone within your sphere of influence. And it happens when our church family steps up to tangibly love our neighbors, like you did at Fall Family Festival.
I want to personally thank you for your faithful generosity of your time, your energy, and your resources. You help us live out our purpose as a church community and you enable us to invest in kingdom opportunities that radiate far beyond our church property. Because of your faithful support, we were able to help hundreds of people who needed help with food, shelter, and emotional support this year. And we were able to support our ministry partners, both locally and globally, who work to care for hurting people and point them towards Jesus.
As a pastor, one of my least favorite things to do is to ask people who are already giving faithfully to consider giving more. And yet, Jesus didn’t shy away from the topic, because He understood that where our money goes, our hearts tend to follow. So, if you are already giving what you can, thank you. But if you are financially able to, I’d like to invite you to join me in giving a Year-End Gift over and above your regular tithes and offerings.
Why a Year-End Gift ?
First, because I want to ensure Twin Cities is operating within its means while still caring for the staff and facility that God has entrusted to us. Our church is currently more than $200,000 behind on our operating expenses for the year, due in part to rising costs of everything from electricity to medical coverage. Additionally, even though we have more and more people worshipping with us each Sunday, our giving has lagged behind, because the economic times are difficult and many new members take a while before they start financially giving to their church.
Another reason why I’d ask you to consider a Year-End Gift over and above your regular tithes and offerings is because it enables us to address unanticipated expenses, like the holes in the roof that
reveal themselves after each rainstorm or repairing equipment that we rely upon each week.
Finally, your generosity enables us to continue to be generous as a church family. Like any family with a
budget, we can’t give what we don’t have, but we want to be able to continue responding when there’s a financial need within our church community or a ministry opportunity beyond the walls of our church. The Year-End Gift gives us the breathing room to do this without cannibalizing resources that we need to pay our staff or keep the heaters running.
At the end of the day, we know that God is faithful. Just as He has provided for our church community for 32 years, I am confident that He will provide for us in this next season of ministry. But over those decades, He’s done so primarily by prompting members of our church to give generously and sacrificially. So, if He wants you to give, He will let you know.
To give a Year-End gift, click here >>
I’m so thankful to be on this adventure of following Jesus and reflecting His love with you. He’s a good God and a faithful shepherd.