Hope is contagious, even healing. But in a world that’s often dark, it's easy to wonder if real, lasting hope is attainable. Here’s a promise you can count on: Hope is found in a person. His name is Jesus. Lasting hope can only be found in Him.
At Twin Cities Church, we want you to know Jesus. We take the complex and make it understandable. We’re building a place where it’s safe for people to explore faith and develop trust in God. When we do that, we can know hope which leads to joy and peace. We invite you to come as you are – we can’t wait to welcome you!
Our true identity isn’t something we achieve — it’s something we receive. Join us this winter as we journey through Ephesians and discover the freedom of embracing who we already are in Christ.
There is nothing more fulfilling than watching our kids develop a personal and meaningful relationship with Jesus! At Twin Cities Church, we want to create opportunities for children and students to engage with Jesus in age-specific ways. This begins with the knowledge that God loves them and wants to be their friend forever, which has a natural influence on the choices they make and the relationships they develop with those around them. Whatever our age, we are engaged in the lifelong journey to love God and love people!