I have been encouraged and even challenged by your response to our series through the Beautiful Attitudes from Jesus’ famous teaching called the Sermon on the Mount. God’s Word is living and will penetrate our hearts with truth – if we’re open to it. I know I’ve found myself deeply touched by these simple phrases spoken by Jesus. The challenges we face in life give us the chance to listen closely to what Jesus taught on that mountainside by the Sea of Galilee. These sayings make Jesus real and personal.
Let’s do a short recap here to help us get them more deeply ingrained into our souls.
Poor in spirit means that we realize our broken condition before a holy God. We acknowledge that we bring nothing that can restore us to right relationship with God.
Mourn means that we grieve our sinfulness before God. We confess and ask for cleansing.
Gentleness or meekness means that we grow in our humility and understanding that God is in control of all things – if it’s meant to be, it’s up to God, not me. “God’s in charge” is our motto.
Hunger and thirst means that we have a craving for being in right relationship with God, self, others, and creation.
Merciful means that we are so moved by God’s mercy to us – His undeserved favor – that we freely give mercy to others.
Pure means that we allow God to work a cleansing in our hearts, and the result is that we get to see God at work around us.
Peacemaker means that we seek to bring Jesus into our world as the Prince of Peace. We tell our stories of His saving grace in our own lives.
Persecuted means that we may be harmed and harassed simply for the fact that we follow and obey Jesus. Our world hates Jesus, and therefore will also hate all who live for Him. We must keep our eyes focused on God’s future promises, on God’s faithfulness to His people in the past, and on the fact that suffering for Jesus brings us into deeper intimacy with Him.
This Sunday we get to wrap up the entire series by considering Jesus’ words to us that we are here to be salt and light in our world. In this life-changing relationship with Jesus, He has worked to build His Beautiful Attitude in our character, and now He wants to turn us inside out so that people see Him in our lives. This will be a great wrap up to our series.
Kim and I have done a lot of prep work to prepare for the beginning of my cancer treatment. I have been amazed at how much work and effort we’ve put into all the details of my healing journey. God has blessed us with a great team of doctors, nurses, technicians, and support people, and I’m ready to enter the classroom. I get to start chemotherapy at 10:00am on Monday, June 14. My radiation therapy begins at 7:40am on Tuesday, June 15. I will end treatment on July 21. Please keep Kim and me in your prayers as we walk arm and arm with Jesus. He’s with us, and that gives us great hope and peace.
VBS Day Camp starts MONDAY, June 14, and registrations are still open. Parents and grandparents, this is a great way to give your children and grandchildren a fun experience as the summer begins. Our Rock Solid Kidz team has been doing their part to offer a creative, fun-filled, safe, Bible-based experience for your kids. You can come in person or participate online from your own home. You can sign up on Sunday or on our website. We also have openings for those who want to invest in the next generation by serving. There are many different ways to help that will fit your comfort level. Please reach out to Bobby, and he’ll help you find a place to serve.
Student’s and Children’s Summer Camps are happening. Yay! I appreciate Michael Bauer, Semeria Bjorkman, and Bobby Breaux for their diligence in finding camp opportunities for our students and children. Our young people have been through so much disruption in our COVID logjam. Camp offers them a chance to be kids and be reminded that God is with them and for them. Parents, you can find out more on our website. Check it out!
I am amazed at what God continues to show us through our series, The Good Life. Each week we’re seeing that the Beatitudes have much deeper meaning than just “attitudes to be” or “virtues to attain.” They are much more than that. Jesus is talking about what happens in the lives of people who walk with Him. They become like Him. Sunday’s message will be from Matthew 5:13-16 and is called Living Inside Out.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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