I’ve been wobbly this week as I anticipate the treatment and surgery ahead of me. I’ve felt fear, anger, and sadness at the circumstances our family is facing with this diagnosis of cancer. It’s good to just say that. In my devotional this morning, I was encouraged to bring these feelings to Jesus because He is a caring and compassionate Friend.
When I first heard I had cancer, a good friend shared a great bit of empathy over how big this was. There is so much power in empathy. It reminded me that I am not alone. It reminded me God is with me. His next words to me (he knows me well) were: “Your greatest challenge is going to be to fight the good fight.”
Here’s what that meant to me. In my walk through many difficult things in the past – death of my first wife, two rounds of Interferon for Hepatitis C, thirteen years of depression, even COVID, my typical approach has been to put my head down and plod forward with a sense of dogged determination to endure. Plodding forward with my head down is the picture my friend wanted to challenge. He said, “What if you walked forward with your head up – looking to Jesus and the victory you have in Him? Imagine how much better this classroom called cancer would be for you.”
Well, that’s what I’m doing today. I’m claiming what the Bible teaches about God’s presence with me today, in this moment, but I’m also focusing on promises of Heaven. We probably don’t focus enough on Heaven in our world, but the picture of existence in the presence of His eternal glory is the best way to walk forward into each day – no matter what we face.
I was greatly encouraged by a blog post by Brittany Lee Allen. Here’s an excerpt from it:
All of our waiting points to the wait of all waits. Jesus is coming back. We will see Him face to face and leaving all this world behind us, we will live in eternity with our Savior. Do we yearn for that day as much as we do for earthly things? Do I long for Jesus to return more than I do for another baby? Sometimes I wonder if I hope to see His face more than I hope for healing from chronic pain. We may not get all the things we long for in this life. If we did, we would miss out on the blessed opportunity to wait on the Lord and experience His peace, comfort, goodness, and faithfulness as we do. Jesus is better than anything we set our eyes upon. Our Lord is enough. All of our longings are meant to lead us to the longed-for One.
I hope that encourages all of you who are in a classroom, with a curriculum, you didn’t choose. Jesus is with you – He is your teacher. He wants you to place your focus on Him. He’s with you today and has also gone on before us to prepare a place called Heaven, which is beyond anything we can imagine. I’m fixing my eyes on Him, the Author and Perfector of my faith, who for the joy that was before Him, endured the cross. (Hebrews 12:2)
I’ve been in a flurry of appointments as we move forward to the treatment plan that is being finalized. At this point, it appears that I will begin chemo/radiation the week of June 14. In a nutshell, I’ll be in this intense season of treatment and surgery for about 18-20 weeks. Part of the classroom curriculum I’m digesting right now is how to best stand strong in this season and participate in my healing. Many of you know first-hand or know people who have gone through similar experiences at some point, and you are aware that every person seems to respond uniquely to the regimen of treatments. Please pray for me as I get to enter fully into this classroom. I am confident in God’s loving provision – Kim and I have seen His personal and intimate touch in so many ways as we’re getting ourselves ready for this learning period.
I am confident that Jesus is my Teacher and Healer. He is in the classroom with me, and I am keeping my eyes focused on Him. I’ll be fighting the good fight, and I ask you for your continued prayers in this long journey to healing.
VBS Day Camp is June 14-18, and registrations are open now. Parents and grandparents, this is a great way to give your children and grandchildren a fun experience as the summer begins. Our Rock Solid Kidz team has been doing their part to offer a creative, fun-filled, safe, Bible-based experience for your kids. You can come in person or participate online from your own home. You can sign up on Sunday or on our website. We also have openings for those who want to invest in the next generation by serving. There are many different ways to help that will fit your comfort level. Please reach out to Bobby, and he’ll help you find a place to serve.
Student’s and Children’s Summer Camps are happening. Yay! I appreciate Michael Bauer, Semeria Bjorkman, and Bobby Breaux for their diligence in finding camp opportunities for our students and children. Our young people have been through so much disruption in our COVID logjam. Camp offers them a chance to be kids and be reminded that God is with them and for them. Parents, you can find out more on our website. Check it out!
I am amazed at what God continues to show us through our series, The Good Life. Each week we’re seeing that the Beatitudes have much deeper meaning than just “attitudes to be” or “virtues to attain.” They are much more than that. Jesus is talking about what happens in the lives of people who walk with Him. They become like Him.
Last Sunday we talked about what Jesus meant when He said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Did it surprise you? Jesus was saying that the way we can bring peace to our world is to tell the story of how we met the Prince of Peace and how He has changed our lives. He was calling us to resemble our Father in Heaven, who is called “God of Peace.” We ended with a challenge to build bridges to those who are alienated from God so that we can share the great love He has for them.
This Sunday, we get to look at Beautiful Resilience. When we bring Jesus into our conversations with others, we may face persecution. In fact, Jesus said we would. We’re going to see how His words can help us face the rejection that is possible when we share Jesus with our world. We’re also going to observe Communion together as a call to remember all His promises to us.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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