Jesus is present in the storms we face in life. That’s exactly what Sunday’s service opened up to us. I know about storms (I grew up in Oklahoma!) and realize how scary and discombobulating they can be as you are being tossed about in the throes of a storm’s fury. However, I appreciated how Pastor Mark developed his message to show how compassionate, concerned, and capable Jesus was in the middle of this storm. I love how Jesus was secure enough in His Father’s care to be relaxed and calm. As Mark said, we can unleash hope in our storms as we trust Jesus – He sees us, cares about us, is present with us, and brings us through the storms we face with strength and hope. I find great comfort in that promise.
Several people have asked me how to practice being in the presence of Jesus. I love that question. Being in the presence of Jesus has been my life goal now for the past nine years. This is why we’ve transitioned our vision of how we grow in our faith to this model: If you want to have the life of Jesus, you must practice the lifestyle of Jesus. In other words, if we’re going to be present with Jesus, we must engage in the practices He did, which gave Him great strength because He had been in the Father’s presence. I pray that we will all get this. You might go to our website and look at the resources we’ve curated there that will help you practice the way of Jesus. It’s done as we SHARE LIFE with Jesus and each other, STRENGTHEN FAITH as we grow in confidence in God’s Word for our lives, SERVE OTHERS by humbly putting the needs of others ahead of our own, and SPREAD HOPE as we devotedly pray and purposefully act for the rapid spread of the Gospel message in our world.
Learning to be in the presence of Jesus requires discipline, determination, and delight as we pursue Him. In my current season where I’m more aware than ever that I am not in control of the circumstances of my life, and I’ve discovered that this is a practice I need to engage in more and more. As I’ve watched the NBA playoffs, I’ve seen a video of Steph Curry practicing his jump shots repeatedly for long periods of time each day. You might think that he wouldn’t need to be so disciplined to practice that much as good of a shot-maker as he has become. But, the truth in this is that if we don’t practice, we won’t grow. But we also don’t stay the same because we actually digress in our ability. So, let me encourage you that following Jesus, and becoming like Him, requires a lifetime of practice.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE, STRENGTHEN FAITH, SERVE OTHERS, and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
SERVE OUR COMMUNITY is back and with expanded opportunities to get out and impact our local community. In my message from March 13, I walked us through the vision to be a church for our community as working for the common good of our friends and neighbors. The truth is that as our community is better, then our lives are better. We get to benefit from what God does to shine the light of Jesus into our world. This year we will be out in our community over three weekends beginning April 30. It’s still not too late to join us TOMORROW. Just show up at the church at 8:00am. Please know that there is something for everyone, whether you can do physical-type projects or not. You can check out the opportunities Pastor John Fairchild and Mare Dibert have worked to make available and sign up for the one that fits you best on our website.
WILLIAM JESSUP UNIVERSITY CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA – Friday, May 6, 7:00pm at TCC. Join us as we are led to worship and connect with Jesus with this awesome group of college students. WJU is one of our ministry partners because we want to be part of investing in the next generation. Some of our own TCC young adults will be part of this musical experience. This FREE event is designed for everyone in our community so please invite your family and friends to be part of this with us.
GROWTH PATH is Sunday, May 15. Growth Path is a fantastic time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. So, I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best. We are eager to talk about God’s call on our church and how you can belong and participate in a meaningful way as we practice the way of Jesus together.
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our UNLEASHING HOPE series as we focus on the Unleashing Hope in Your Suffering – in the struggles of life. Just like we talked about in the service on Unleashing Hope for Your Relationships, we don’t get much training or teaching in how to face suffering in life, which is unfortunate since Jesus guaranteed that we would have troubles in this life. On Sunday, we will consider Paul’s advice and instruction on facing discouragement and disappointment as we hold firm to the anchor of hope.
CANCER HEALING JOURNEY. Thank you for your continued prayers for my healing journey from cancer. This was a very busy week of treatments and procedures. I was in San Francisco on both Monday and Tuesday concerning the surgical procedure to remove the stent from my esophagus. The purpose of the stent was to stretch the opening of my esophagus and allow me to swallow so I could begin gaining weight. Praise God, it worked, and I’ve gained TEN pounds since February 22. I also met with my local oncologist on Monday. He gave me a thumbs up to continue my immunotherapy treatments. On Tuesday morning, I did my eighth treatment at SNMH before Kim and I drove back to San Francisco for my stent removal surgery which went well. Wow! What a week. I’m feeling pretty fatigued and have a sore throat today. Please pray that my esophagus will remain open so I won’t need more procedures in the future. While you’re at it, please pray for the efficacy of the immunotherapy treatments so that my immune system will attack any future cancer growth. I love you so much.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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