“I am here for you. I will take care of you.” Those were the words the UCSF anesthesia doctor spoke into my ear on the afternoon of my recent surgical procedure. The operating room was chaotic and full of tension. The anxiety around me — combined with my own uncertainties and anxious thoughts as I was about to get the stent removed that was allowing me to swallow again — was filling me with fear. And then those words were spoken, gently, compassionately, into my ear with a soothing and comforting voice of assurance.
Friends, I believe that doctor, though human, was also used by God as an angel of mercy to speak to me. I believe her voice was the voice of Jesus who wanted me to know I was not alone, and that all would be well. If you missed the message from last Sunday, please take time to click here and watch it as I talked about Unleashing Hope in Your Suffering. There are times in our suffering when we feel alone as we feel that others just can’t understand what we’re going through. And it’s true they really can’t know the impact our circumstances are having on our peace of mind and joy of heart. The good news of hope is that Jesus understands.
The prophet Isaiah wrote these words describing Jesus: “He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.” Jesus knows what we feel because He was both human and divine. In His humanity, He suffered. He knows what it’s like to be “hard pressed on every side, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down” as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4 as he described his own suffering.
Friends, you are never alone in your suffering. Even if you think that no one else understands, Jesus does. He knows, and He does not reject you in your weakness, doubt, confusion, and fear. He wants to comfort you.
Let me encourage you to pick up a copy of Hope When It Hurts by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton and read about God’s comfort that is available to us when we’re suffering. One of the key takeaways is that God empowers us when we’re weak. He gives us encouragement when we’re discouraged. He offers us peace when we’re anxious. He gives us His joy when we’re discouraged. It’s REAL. You can know HOPE IN YOUR SUFFERING.
CANCER HEALING JOURNEY. Thank you for your continued prayers for my healing journey from esophageal cancer. I love saying these words, “I am cancer free. I am a cancer survivor.” Praise God! Now all my focus is on my recovery from chemo, radiation, four surgical procedures, and one major surgery. I met with my primary care physician yesterday, and she said, “It’s no wonder you’re weak, depleted, and depressed. Even a 20-year-old person would be feeling this after five surgical procedures in six months.” I still have eight months left in my immunotherapy treatment plan designed to get my immune system to fight off the growth of future cancer cells. Just as we prayed for a complete cure, will you pray with me for a complete recovery as I adjust to my new physical reality?
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE, STRENGTHEN FAITH, SERVE OTHERS, and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
SERVE OUR COMMUNITY continues this weekend with another opportunity to SPREAD HOPE by sharing the tangible love of Jesus to our local schools. It’s not too late to participate this Saturday, May 7. Just contact Mare or John and let them know your desire to serve our community in Jesus’ name. You can just show up ready to work at one of these schools: Union Hill School, Yuba River Charter School, or Seven Hills School at 9:00am.
As part of Serve Our Community, we will be hosting the Nevada County Foster Care Family Fair on Saturday, May 14. We will be supporting our county agencies for a day of fun, encouragement, and resources from 10:00am-2:00pm. This event would be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the foster care services in our community and how you can help support these families.
WILLIAM JESSUP UNIVERSITY CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA – TONIGHT, Friday, May 6, 7:00pm at TCC. Join us as we are led by this incredible and talented group of college students to worship and connect with Jesus. WJU is one of our ministry partners because we want to be part of investing in the next generation. Some of our own TCC young adults will be part of this musical experience. This FREE event will be a great experience for our entire community, so please invite your family and friends to join us.
GROWTH PATH is Sunday, May 15. Growth Path is a fantastic time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. So, I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best. We are eager to talk about God’s call on our church and how you can belong and participate in a meaningful way as we practice the way of Jesus together.
CELEBRATE BAPTISM on Sunday, May 22 in both gatherings. If you’ve never taken this meaningful step with Jesus by identifying with Him and His church through baptism, we want to encourage you to “go public” with your faith. You can find out more on Sunday, May 8 and Sunday, May 15 by attending our baptism class that meets at 9:00am. Please go to our website and indicate your interest or meet at the Coffee Bar for this one-time class.
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our UNLEASHING HOPE series and celebrate our moms as we focus on Unleashing Hope for Your Family. Our church is committed to supporting, encouraging, and training families to strengthen them in being a place where hope is found! Families, please come ready to get a picture taken as a way to show your love to the mom in your world. Sunday is also DONUT day. So come hang out with your church family and enjoy a donut or cup of coffee as we celebrate moms.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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