I’ve been encouraged by people’s stories, songs, and Scripture verses since I announced my cancer diagnosis. Wow! I appreciate you and your love. Thank you. Last week I mentioned that I am in a new classroom and gave some thoughts about that. Well, this week, I realize that I’m in a waiting time until I can get the class schedule and syllabus, to use that analogy again.
I found out from my PET scan that my cancer is isolated to my esophagus and one lymph node. That’s a good thing. Immediately after that, I began moving forward to find out the steps and timing of the treatment I will go through to be cured. Of course, we will never stop asking God to do a supernatural work and take it away completely, but what I’ve come to know is that God reveals Himself in many ways.
God answered our prayers in a huge way this week. It’s been head-spinning how quickly I have moved through the healthcare system. I am now scheduled for my initial consultation with a thoracic surgery oncologist at UCSF for next Wednesday at 3:30pm. That should complete the oncology team and allow us to know the schedule and treatment plan. Thanks for your prayers for my family and me. It means so much to us.
One of the things that made this news difficult for us is that I had planned to be gone most of the summer for a vacation to be with my son’s new baby, who will be born in June. I also planned to take time off for the Sabbatical we canceled last summer because of COVID. You may not know that I get a lot of joy, fulfillment, and security from making a plan and living it out. Well, this week, we took the “big boy and big girl” step of canceling our plans for the summer. It was an emotional time for us. We may not know the schedule of what’s ahead yet, but we know that whatever occurs, it will be a huge interruption in our lives.
I’m so glad I have such a loving church family. You are amazing! You’ve walked with us through so many difficulties in these three decades together. I want you to know that I love you and cherish the fact that the Thompsons – Kimberly, Jordyn, Ryan, Tessa, and new GRANDBABY – get to walk through this journey with you at our sides. We will keep you updated as we have news.
Run for the Community is on again this year with some modifications. The runners in our community are so excited to have an event to look forward to, and we’re looking forward to providing it. Go to our website to find out more about the 5K run/walk and register there. This is a great opportunity to volunteer and help serve our community. Email John to help serve.
VBS Day Camp is June 14-18, and registrations are open now. Parents and grandparents, this is a great way to give your children and grandchildren a fun experience as the summer begins. Our Rock Solid Kidz Team has been doing their part to offer a creative, fun-filled, safe, Bible-based experience for your kids. You can come in person or participate online from your own home. You can sign up on Sunday or on our website. We also have some openings for those who want to invest in the next generation by serving. There are many different ways to help that will fit your comfort level. If that’s you, email Bobby and he’ll help you find a place to serve.
As we make our way out of the COVID logjam, we’re in a rebuilding phase as a church. I can’t think of a single ministry that has weathered this season with their service teams intact. Our church and your spiritual growth will be significantly supported when everyone can find a place to serve. Please look at our website, and you’ll find steps that can help you find your unique place of service. Serving does more than help you grow spiritually; it also helps you belong. We’ll give you an opportunity on Sunday to begin looking for your place to be involved.
I am amazed at what God continues to show us through our series, The Good Life. Each week we’re seeing that the Beatitudes (that’s the section we’re currently in) have much deeper meaning than just “attitudes to be” or virtues to attain. They go much deeper. Jesus is talking about what happens in the lives of people who walk with Him. They become like Him. Last Sunday we talked about what it means to be merciful. I was inundated with emails from folks who were moved to think about the individuals they overlook in their lives because of judgment. It’s so easy to overlook people when we decide we know why they are in the place they are in. It’s better to let them get under our skin – in a positive sense – and allow that vibration to help us see them as human beings just like we are. We can then give them the benefit of the doubt and look for ways to give them mercy – loving kindness in action.
This Sunday, we get to look at Beautiful Integrity. We live in world of compromise and confusion about God’s call to purity. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Jesus says that those who embrace integrity will be blessed because God inhabits the goodness of His people. He’s calling us to be consistent with who we are on the inside and what people see on the outside.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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