One of the themes we’ve talked about as a church is the power of God’s Word when we face difficulties in life. I am amazed at how much of His Word has been surfacing and running in my brain since my doctor confirmed I have cancer. God gives us hope and confidence as we lean into His Word.
What’s really meaningful to me right now is how many people have sent their go-to Bible verses as a way to encourage Kim and me. It’s been comforting to know that the people I get to shepherd have hidden His Word in their hearts. So please keep those words of encouragement coming. You may never know how your faith will help strengthen us in this classroom called cancer.
The Bible verse God is using for me today is from Isaiah 26:3-4. It says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock.”
On the day we began making appointments for tests that we knew we needed to schedule, I called a facility to see if they could get me in soon. I had my phone switched to speaker mode, and as the person put me on hold, the music began playing an old familiar song. Here’s what I heard:
Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me
When you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on...
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on
Even though that song was not written explicitly about God, it was written to describe the power of community and friendship in times of struggle and difficulty. It was written to help us realize that we all need each other and, therefore, we can lean on others for support. But in another sense, it is about God. He calls us to come to Him and lean on Him, and when we do, we will find that He’s always there and available when we need someone to lean on.
I was able to talk with my Surgical Oncologist on Wednesday, and he agreed that we would follow a standard treatment protocol considering my cancer staging. That would include chemotherapy and radiation followed by a period of rest and then surgery. The doctor and his staff were empathetic, upbeat, encouraging, and optimistic, and assured me that I will be cancer free when this is all over. We are not sure of a start date, but it should be in the next couple of weeks.
Even though, this will be hard, I am confident, as I shared last week, that He who began the good work in me is faithful and will bring His work to completion. Will you trust in Him with me? Let’s believe together that God has this, and that our Good Shepherd will lead us together toward a place of rest, renewal, and restoration.
I’m so glad we have such a loving church family. You are amazing! You’ve walked with us through so many difficulties in these three decades together. We will keep you updated as we have news.
Public Service Announcement. I’ve received several emails and texts about an email that appeared to come from me asking for money. Folks, I will never send an email asking you to buy gift cards for me FOR ANY REASON. Please be aware that these scams seem so legit, and they play off our emotions – even the feelings you have for me as I am in hospital situations. If you receive an email and wonder if it may be legitimate, please call the church office and ask if what you’ve received is from me or anyone else on our staff who is asking for money in the form of gift cards.
Run for the Community is on again this year with some modifications. The runners in our community are so excited to have an event to look forward to, and we’re looking forward to providing it. Go to our website to find out more about the 5K run/walk and register there. This is an excellent opportunity to volunteer and help serve our community. Email John to help serve.
VBS Day Camp is June 14-18, and registrations are open now. Parents and grandparents, this is a great way to give your children and grandchildren a fun experience as the summer begins. Our Rock Solid Kidz Team has been doing their part to offer a creative, fun-filled, safe, Bible-based experience for your kids. You can come in person or participate online from your own home. You can sign up on Sunday or on our website. We also have openings for those who want to invest in the next generation by serving. There are many different ways to help that will fit your comfort level. Please reach out to Bobby, and he’ll help you find a place to serve.
I am amazed at what God continues to show us through our series, The Good Life. Each week we’re seeing that the Beatitudes have much deeper meaning than just “attitudes to be” or “virtues to attain.” They are much more than that. Jesus is talking about what happens in the lives of people who walk with Him. They become like Him.
Last Sunday, we talked about what it means to be pure in heart. Pastor Mark did such a good job of continuing to emphasize that these Beatitudes are all about grace. God gives us the grace to want to become like Jesus, and through His grace, He gives us the power to become what is not natural for us to accomplish on our own.
This Sunday, we get to look at Beautiful Peacemaker. I believe we can all agree that peace is something our world needs to experience in ever-growing degrees. The deal, though, is that our world can’t create a peace that lasts – no matter how much we try. Lasting peace is only attainable through the power of His Holy Spirit as we take the presence of Jesus into our world.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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