We began a new series on Sunday on HABITS: Small steps, big change. I’ve been anticipating this series since I picked up a copy of a great book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. I get to unpack some of the theory behind habits in my message this Sunday. One of the key ideas behind habits is that there are habits that we engage in, without thinking about what we’re doing, like brushing our teeth or shaving. That’s how our brain functions to keep us from being overwhelmed by all the decisions we would be making each day if everything we did was new and untried. At the same time, there are certain “keystone” habits that we must purposefully choose to add to our lives if we are going to reap the fantastic benefits they offer.
The top keystone habit based upon surveys done by thousands of Followers of Jesus is Bible Engagement. Specifically engaging with the Bible at least four days per week. Mark Hadley, our Spiritual Growth Pastor, laid a great foundation for us on Sunday with his practical message on developing a habit of Bible Engagement. His own personal work in spiritual formation that was visible inspires us all to grow.
The fruit and results of this habit are staggering. Bible Engagement draws us more deeply into relationship with God and others, grows our confidence in God’s promises, and empowers us to make steps with God and fulfill His Kingdom purposes in our lives. Honestly, you can’t know God without knowing His Word.
But Bible Engagement also helps us in areas that aren’t necessarily spiritual. Surveys show that Bible Engagement improves marriages, relationships, mental health, careers, finances, character, and decision making. The Center for Biblical Engagement released the results of their survey of over 400,000 people, and they discovered that people who engage with the Bible regularly are less lonely, have fewer destructive thoughts, have reduced anxiety, abuse alcohol and substances less, and were less likely to struggle with issues of self-worth and value.
You can see the great benefits of this habit. Do you want to have these things be true for you? Let me encourage you to watch Mark’s message from Sunday. Here’s a link to watch it. After that, log on to our website and look for our Bible Reading plans section or just click here. Once you’ve decided to engage with the Bible consider joining a Life Group, where you can be with others like yourself who are seeking to engage with the Bible. Also, make sure to be at church (or watch online when you can’t be here in person) and make sure to listen intently and seek to hear what God is saying to you in His Word. When we sing, listen for the references to Biblical concepts and quotes and engage in a new way. Finally, learn to pray God’s Word back to Him and ask Him to help you develop this keystone habit. As Mark said on Sunday, “When you engage with God’s Word, you align with God’s heart.”
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
FAMILY SNOW DAY – Saturday, January 8. A few weeks ago, it didn’t look like this even could happen because of a lack of snow. Well, now after our snowpocalypse, we have an abundance. Join our families for a fun day. Please follow all safety signs as you enjoy the snow.
LIFE GROUPS are open NOW for the winter/spring semester. Make sure to stop by the SHARE LIFE table in the lobby and let us help you find a group that fits you! You can also find out more on our website.
THRIVE UNLEASHED – January 14-15. This is an amazing winter retreat for junior high and high school students. See the website to register.
BABES WHO BRUNCH – January 15, 11:00am-12:30pm. This is for young women to gather for relationship, a potluck-style brunch, a speaker who focuses on a specific topic that will help you grow, or a fun activity or craft. Please bring a brunch dish to share with everyone. Free childcare will also be available. Get ready to eat some brunch, have some fun, learn, grow spiritually, and make new friends!
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our series HABITS: Small steps, big change. Folks, I’m excited to walk through some of the core ideas behind the power of habits this week. If you want to make changes in your life, please make sure to be with us in person this week as we talk about Healthy Habits.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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