We continued our series Sunday on HABITS: Small steps, big change by talking about forming Healthy Habits. Your response to this message, combined with your desire to be all God made you to be, was truly inspiring to me. I’ve received texts, emails, and comments all week about the “one habit” you plan to bring into your life. The main thing I’ve heard is how change is often difficult because we aim for the Big Hairy Audacious Goal instead of taking one small step after another.
I told you that I would give you some resources to dig deeper into this idea of forming Healthy Habits based upon the books, Atomic Habits by James Clear and Your Future Self Will Thank You by Drew Dyck. It’s been helpful for me to listen to the authors talk about their books and their recommended strategies for consistent life change.
Here are a couple of podcasts you might listen to if you want to make significant and lasting changes in your life:
Q&A: Atomic Habits with James Clear - Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast
Atomic Habits with James Clear
James Clear Discusses Personality Styles and Atomic Habits
Keystone Habits and Spiritual Well Being
Your Future Self Will Thank You
These podcasts will help you get a big picture view of the power of your habits to direct your life toward becoming the person God made you to be. Please pay specific attention to James Clear as he talks about the concept of “Who Before Do.” If you are going to become all God made you to be, you need to stand strong on the truth that you are His BELOVED and therefore, the habits He wants you to engage in are based upon the idea that as His BELOVED, this is the person I want to become. Another way to say it is this: This is how a person who is BELOVED by God would be or act.
Please let me know if any of these resources help you on your journey to become the kind of person who lives as His BELOVED. I love you and want you to have a clear path on your journey to become more like Jesus. Here’s to a fantastic 2022.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
LIFE GROUPS are open NOW for the winter/spring semester. 2021 was a time for us to sharpen our focus as a church to be more intentional in our approach to discipleship and spiritual formation. Our goal is to be clear in our vision to engage together to lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We have four pillars to build on – Share Life, Strengthen Faith, Serve Others, and Spread Hope. The Share Life pillar includes our relationship with Jesus and how He calls us to Share Life with Him and each other. The natural outflow of that is that we want our Life Groups to intentionally share life with each other as they follow Jesus together. If you are ready to check out a LIFE GROUP or want more information, please contact Mark or stop by the SHARE LIFE table in the lobby this Sunday, and we will help you get connected. Our goal is that we will all find a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated as we grow to become more like Jesus.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. We have several part-time jobs open right now for the right person who not only wants to work but wants that work to make a difference in the lives of others. Here is the link to see the current job openings. If you’re interested in any of these positions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the person listed. We look forward to having you join our team of motivated servant leaders.
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our series HABITS: Small steps, big change. Folks, I’m excited to walk through some of the core ideas behind the power of habits this week. If you want to make changes in your life, please make sure to be with us in person this week as we talk about Earnest Prayer. Prayer is one of those habits we struggle to maintain. But it’s clear from God’s Word that He expects us to walk with Him as we engage in this habit. Prayer is about being with God and asking Him for His will to be done in our lives. Do you struggle in your prayer life? If so, this week will help you take small steps toward developing a praying life.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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