Unleashing Hope is all about how Twin Cities Church is for our community. Our focus on this series is on how we will serve others in our next decade of ministry. This is our promise. We want to do more than bring people closer to Jesus and become like Him. We want to have a wholistic approach to being the salt and light to our world by getting down in the trenches and providing biblical wisdom and compassionate assistance in the areas where people hurt.
Last Sunday was a great example of this as Kim spoke about Unleashing Hope for Your Mental Health. Going in, we knew that this was a hot topic or issue in our culture and that it will only get more vital for us to talk about in the future. So, the overwhelming response we received on Sunday did not surprise us too much. Imagine what it’s like to live with the impact of a life-long journey with mental illness – either your own or of a person in your circle of life. It’s a lonely place for many people.
That’s why we’re taking steps to offer more in the way of help and assistance. You can always check in with Anew Day and their low-cost counseling and support groups. We’re adding N.A.M.I. to the groups who will hold meetings in our church facility to help them with their mission to provide caring support for families of those who suffer from mental illness. We’re also bringing back Celebrate Recovery in May for those who are willing to admit they need healing from the hurts, habits, and hang-ups that have caused them pain and grief.
I want to thank Dee again for the courage it took to share her ongoing journey through mental illness issues. Her candid and vulnerable story opened the door for many people to come out of hiding about their own struggles. Friends, we all have some kind of mental health struggle, but some have an actual mental illness. Let’s continue to be a place where God can use us to help people come out of hiding. As Pastor Rick Warren says, “Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Problems grow in the dark and only become bigger and bigger, but they shrink when exposed to the light of truth. You are only as sick as your secrets. So, take off your mask, stop pretending you're perfect and walk into freedom.” I love you for your huge hearts for those who are hurting.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE, STRENGTHEN FAITH, SERVE OTHERS, and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
EASTER EGG CANDY COLLECTION – After two years off because of COVID, we’re ready to bring our families and community together for an incredible Easter experience. We want to have over 12,000 eggs stuffed with candy for the Egg Hunt. Will you help by bringing candy to church? You can order online and have your candy shipped to the church if it's easier. Please make sure to order individually wrapped miniature candy. We will receive candy up to the day of the event, but it would be helpful if you could have your candy at the church by 4:00pm on April 6 for the next egg stuffing party. Please check the website for more details.
The EASTER EGG HUNT is on Saturday, April 16. Come enjoy the most fantastic Easter Egg Hunt ever at Scotten Elementary School Field! There will be a FREE pancake breakfast, face painting, and bounce houses starting at 8:30am. The egg hunt begins at 9:00am, but come early to make sure you get to the field area on time because the eggs go fast once it begins. Please plan to stay afterward and enjoy hanging out with others.
LIFE GROUPS are open NOW for the spring session. If you are ready to check out a LIFE GROUP or want more information, please contact Lisa or Mark. You may want to stop by the SHARE LIFE table in the lobby this Sunday, and we will help you get connected. Our goal is that we will all find a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated as we grow to become more like Jesus.
SERVE OUR COMMUNITY is back and expanding so we can impact more people in our local community. This year we will be out in our community over three weekends beginning April 24. There is something for everyone, whether you can do physical-type projects or not. You can check out the opportunities Pastor John Fairchild and Mare Dibert have worked to make available and sign up for the one that fits you best on our website.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. We have two part-time jobs open right now for the person who not only wants to work but wants that work to make a difference in the lives of others. Here is the link to see the current job openings. If you’re interested in any of these positions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the person listed. We look forward to having you join our team of motivated servant leaders.
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our UNLEASHING HOPE series. In this series, we’re focusing on ways the Gospel message of Jesus can change our everyday lives. This week, we will recognize how the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and God’s church has something to say about our relationships. Numerous studies and surveys have shown that the number one key to happiness in life is the quality of our relationships. Love Everyone Always is more than a slogan above our fireplace. It’s a promise we make to all whom we meet. The message is called Unleashing Hope for Your Relationships.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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