I am so grateful for your passionate response to the message on Earnest Prayer from Sunday. I believe that God wants to answer the prayers of His people when they pray sacrificially and selflessly for the rapid spread of the Gospel message. Wow, imagine what God could do through a group of people who commit themselves to pray for the eternal well-being of others. Even as we celebrate our 30th birthday on March 6, we believe that God is not finished with us yet. He has an even better future in store than the past we’ve walked together.
Let me invite all those who call Twin Cities Church “home” to join us in our mission of simply making ourselves available to pray for the rapid expansion of the Gospel message of Jesus. If you missed Sunday, please watch the message and then respond and let me know your commitment to join with us by participating in our 2022 Church Prayer.
I have a new update about my cancer status. When I had surgery in November, the surgical team discovered that I still had living cancer cells in my tumor – even after chemo/radiation. They were able to cut them out and give me a positive thumbs up that they had gotten all of it. The problem is that Esophageal cancer has a strong propensity to recur, and when it does, it’s usually not curable. I had an appointment in early January with a UCSF oncologist who told me that I fit the parameters for an immunotherapy treatment that was successful in fighting this cancer and had just been approved for my cancer in August 2021. He said, “It’s my recommendation that you begin this as soon as possible.”
Kimberly and I then consulted with my local oncologist, who agreed wholeheartedly that I could begin the treatment this past Wednesday. It’s a year-long treatment of immunotherapy infusions. I will receive the medication intravenously twice a month for sixteen weeks and then every four weeks for the next eight months. The goal is to get my immune system to recognize the cancer cells as an enemy and attack them naturally. Will you please pray for God to use this to show me His favor and bless me with His promise that I will “see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living”? Thank you. I love you more than words can describe.
Here are some upcoming opportunities to SHARE LIFE and SPREAD HOPE to our family and community.
STUDENT MINISTRY – Parents, you are invited to join our Student Ministry Team on Wednesday, January 23, 6:30-8:30pm. This is an excellent opportunity to hear the vision for rebuilding our Student Ministry to have a dynamic impact in the lives of your students. You’ll get to have dinner served as well, so no cooking that night. Also, just throwing this out – If you’ve ever felt a tug to serve with students, this is a great time to join the team. You’re invited to come as well and let God speak to your heart about getting involved with a great group of young people who need adult influence and mentoring. Please contact Semeria or John.
LIFE GROUPS are open NOW for the winter/spring semester. 2021 was a time for us to sharpen our focus as a church to be more intentional in our approach to discipleship and spiritual formation. Our goal is to be clear in our vision to engage together to lead as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We have four pillars to build on – Share Life, Strengthen Faith, Serve Others, and Spread Hope. The Share Life pillar includes our relationship with Jesus and how He calls us to Share Life with Him and each other. The natural outflow of that is that we want our Life Groups to intentionally share life with each other as they follow Jesus together. If you are ready to check out a LIFE GROUP or want more information, please contact Mark or stop by the SHARE LIFE table in the lobby this Sunday, and we will help you get connected. Our goal is that we will all find a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated as we grow to become more like Jesus.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. We have several part-time jobs open right now for the right person who not only wants to work but wants that work to make a difference in the lives of others. Here is the link to see the current job openings. If you’re interested in any of these positions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the person listed. We look forward to having you join our team of motivated servant leaders.
The next DRIVE-THRU FOOD DRIVE collection day to support Interfaith Food Ministry is Friday, January 28, from 8:00-10:30am. Please bring your non-perishable foods to the church, and we’ll make sure all the food gets delivered to Interfaith. This is a huge help to the resource-challenged in our community. We’re also receiving specific items to help Hospitality House. Here’s how you can find out what they most need. Just bring items from this list with your food donations.
THIS SUNDAY, we continue our series HABITS: Small steps, big change. We’re going to cover another Keystone Habit that can hugely change your life. It’s Extravagant Generosity. We’ll consider some of the barriers to generosity and how we can take small steps to become generous people with all God has given us. I’m excited to see how God uses Sunday in your life and mine.
Here are the links you’ll need to prepare for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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