COVID has certainly added depth to our involvement with our local community partners as we’ve sought to respond to the needs around us. The homeless crisis continues to grow while the resources available continue to be stretched thin. We’ve added Hospitality House to our monthly food drive by receiving items that help serve their clients. We also adopted Hospitality House as our Reach focus during VBS Day Camp. That resulted in us being recognized in a special way.
Ashley Quadros, Development Director of Hospitality House, shared her gratitude last month for what our kids did to help: We’d like to give our heartfelt thanks to our friends at Twin Cities Church (TCC). Every month, church members work together to collect our greatest needs, such as toiletries, blankets, and more. Recently, the children of TCC decided they wanted to help too. During Vacation Bible School (VBS) day camp, every day for a week, children as young as 3 years old learned about Hospitality House, homelessness, and services available. By the last day of camp, the kiddos created inspiring cards for every guest in the shelter and across the motels to know they are loved. The children also learned the value of a dollar, and that $1 is enough to provide nutritional meals to someone struggling. Inspired to action, the children raised over 600 meals! Thank you, TCC and VBS kids! We appreciate you and your kind hearts.
I love how God continues to deepen the ways we can express His love by being the hands and feet of Jesus right here in our community. Several months ago, we received a special offering to help cover some of the increasing expenses at Hospitality House. They were so grateful, especially in this COVID reality they’ve been working to overcome. We’re planning to receive another special offering on August 29. You’ll hear more about it before then, but we wanted you to be aware so you could be ready to help as God leads. I pray that we can be as thrilled to help our homeless population as our kids were during VBS.
TREATMEANT UPDATE. As a kid, one my favorite cartoons was the ROADRUNNER. The character I’m thinking of today is WILE E. COYOTE. This coyote was just one disaster after another – none of which a real character could survive. He would run into the face of a rock cliff, be flattened, and then slide down onto the ground, only to stand up and go at it again. Splat. I say that because I feel like WILE E. COYOTE this week – no longer SUPERMAN. The hardest week of treatment is this week – the week after I am finished with all the chemo and radiation.
Even though I may feel like I’ve been flattened, I am strengthened by the encouragement you continue to pour my way, and the prayers you continue to pray. Thank you. I’m praying that God is using this for His glory and for my healing. This is the verse God used to give me courage this week: “The Lord stood at my side (with me) and gave me strength.” (2 Timothy 4:17a) Folks, even if we’re too weak to get off the couch, God is with us. As I’ve said many times in this classroom of adversity. We are never alone!
I am now making plans to begin the trek to UCSF and surgery. I don’t know when that will be, but I’ll keep you updated. It’s probably 8-12 weeks out. I love you.
Our next BAPTISM will be on August 22. It’s a great time to go public for Jesus as you take this step of identification and intimacy with Him. If you’ve never been baptized after you said “YES” to Jesus, please pray about this opportunity for you. Check it out and register on our website.
GROWTH PATH is August 22. We’ve mentioned that over 40 families have moved out of Nevada County since COVID began. We will miss these people immensely. At the same time, several families have discovered Twin Cities and have started regularly attending either in-person or online. Growth Path is a great time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best.
Sunday, we will continue a section of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus talks about our vertical relationship with God. Following the Way of Priority is all about the direction and longings of our hearts. Jesus will make it clear that we cannot serve both God and stuff! God wants to be our priority!
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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