As I walk out my door each morning, I stop to look at two items we placed there when I began this cancer treatment classroom. Here is a photo. One is a set of red boxing gloves. These represent the constant reminder that I’m going to fight the good fight of faith. The opposite would be to be ruled by fear. Last week, I was reminded that the Bible says, “DO NOT FEAR” over 365 times. I want to get to the end of this journey knowing that even though it’s been difficult and challenging, that I lived each day with faith as I fight this fight.
The second item is a cross with a Bible verse inscribed on it. Here’s what it says in Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse reminds me of my friend Don and his journey through cancer. He had a phobia of being confined in the CT tube to get his scan, so he asked me to come with him and his wife, Linda, to pray for him. We prayed for him, and he received the strength of Jesus to get the scans he needed. I think of the courage of my friend a lot as I enter this classroom daily. It’s a difficult place to be, but Jesus has promised to be with me in a very tangible way to hold me and even carry me when I’m weak, just as He was there for Don.
Today is my last radiation treatment. I met with my radiation oncologist, and he told me that the next two weeks will still be challenging and to take heart because I should be mostly recovered in four weeks. I look forward to that so much. However, please keep me in your prayers because there are still problems that could arise. I am experiencing neuropathy in my right leg from the chemo, which is a concern.
I’m so grateful for all of you who have shared this classroom with me. Your prayers, words of encouragement, cards, and acts of service have boosted my spirits. Thank you. I love you.
Our next BAPTISM will be on August 22. It’s a great time to go public for Jesus as you take this step of identification and intimacy with Him. Last Sunday, we heard a great testimony from Dawn Simmons of the power of baptism in her journey to grow in her faith. If you’ve never been baptized after you said “YES” to Jesus, please pray about this opportunity for you. Check it out and register on our website.
GROWTH PATH is August 22. We’ve mentioned that over 40 families have moved out of Nevada County since COVID began. We will miss these people immensely. At the same time, several families have discovered Twin Cities and have started regularly attending either in-person or online. Growth Path is a great time to find out more about our church and how you can fit in here. We all need a place where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, and celebrate and be celebrated. I hope you’ll go to our website and register to attend the class that fits you best.
Sunday, we will begin a section of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus begins to talk about our vertical relationship with God. The past couple of weeks, we’ve looked at His ethical teaching about how to treat one another with love, and now He begins to challenge us with our hearts toward God. This week we will listen as Jesus talks about Following the Way of Authenticity. He helps us realize that God wants more than our outward expressions of worship. He wants our hearts as well. He wants our outer actions to be integrated with our hearts.
Here are the links you’ll need to be fully prepared for Sunday’s Service:
Joyfully living everyday life on mission in intimacy with Jesus and others,
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