I love the way God’s Word, which was written to believers living in a very different age and cultural context, can speak so powerfully into our circumstances here and now. Last weekend, we explored how the way of Jesus differs so greatly from the way of the world. While our natural tendency is to humiliate others so that we might rise above the tide of insecurity, the way of Jesus is humility. He didn’t need to resort to pushing others down in order to make Himself seem more important because He knew who He is and what He’s about. Instead, He moved toward struggling people and raised them up, and He calls us to do the same thing.
This week, we will explore how we can do this in greater detail as we finish out the rest of Philippians 2. We will also be providing some tangible ways you can let your light shine, both here and beyond the walls of TCC. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday.
Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend:
I’m grateful to be on this journey with you.
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