In a world that feels increasingly divided, many of us find ourselves with mixed emotions after the election. Some are hopeful, others anxious, and many unsure of what lies ahead. But no matter where we stand, it’s important to remember that God isn’t surprised by any outcome, and our unity at Twin Cities is rooted not in shared political views but in our shared identity in Jesus and our citizenship in His Kingdom.
This weekend, we’ll be exploring a powerful, often overlooked theme that runs throughout the Bible — exile. From Genesis to Revelation, God’s people have lived as exiles, navigating life in a world that doesn’t always reflect the values of our true King. As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we are also called to live as exiles, residing in a culture that doesn’t always align with our faith. In this, we find both challenge and hope as we seek the peace and spiritual well-being of our community while holding fast to our Kingdom values.
This weekend, we will also be celebrating baptisms. Baptism Sundays are my absolute favorite gatherings, because we get to join with our brothers and sisters in Christ as they go public with their faith. If you’d like to get baptized, please show up at the front of the auditorium half an hour before either of the services to get a t-shirt. Either way, this is one Sunday you won’t want to miss.
Here are some helpful resources to get you ready for the weekend:
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday,
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